Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

We had some boring activities after breakfast, unsurprisingly.

After lunch the instructor took out his megaphone once again and shouted into it.

"ALL OF YOU WILL BE TAKING A SMALL BREAK IN YOUR SLEEPING QUARTERS BEFORE WE HEAD OFF FOR THE KAYAKING ACTIVITY. YOU HAVE TO BRING....." Everyone was excited when they heard this, and they kept talking about it non-stop, ignoring the instructor completely. Clair just stood there, listening to what he has to say. Jordan was just... standing there, listening to the instructor and the excited teenagers at the same time. He didn't look very excited.

I went towards him tapped on his shoulder, "Are you excited?"

Jordan shrugged, "I don't know. What I do know is I'm dead tired." He covered his mouth as he yawned.

"You didn't have enough sleep last night?" I asked. I spent half an hour after lights out to doodle on my notebook. I doodled Jordan climbing a rock wall and other things.

My notebook. I haven't let Jordan sign an autograph on my book yet. I should pack it in the day bag later.

He shook his head, "I was doing something else." I didn't ask him what.

After the instuctor's mini-briefing we went back to our sleeping quarters. The girls asked each other if they heard what the instructor said after he mentioned kayaking.

"You didn't hear him say what to bring?!" exclaimed one girl at the end of the room.

"I was too excited, plus YOU didn't hear what he had to say too, right? So it isn't my fault! Why do you have to blame me?!" scolded another one.

I rolled my eyes and got on to packing my day bag. I froze, I only listened to half of the instuctor's speech, the other half was spent talking to Jordan.

"Ehhh Clair," I looked up at her bed, "What do we have to bring?"

She groaned, "Please don't tell me I'm the only one who listened to the instructor."

"I did listen to half of his speech, the other half was... well..."

She sighed and started from the beginning of the list, "Water Bottle. Poncho. Hat if you have one......" I dug out everything and placed it in my bag. I added my notebook for doodling stuff, although I might not have the time to do so.I placed the notebook and the camera in a ziplock bag to waterproof it, no way I want to get those things wet.

I stood up and noticed a spot on my bed. Thinking it was a bug, I tried sweeping it away but it was still there. I looked closer and froze. It was a dark red spot. That thing that I suffer every month. I expected it to come around this time but now?

I quickly sat on the spot to hide it and urged Clair to come down, "Clair, I have an emergency down here."

"What is it?"

"That.... thing." I said. She was at my bed in less than 3 seconds.

"Where?" she asked. I shifted to show her the red spot. She almost jumped back.

"I think you should...tell a female instructor. I don't think I can come for the kayaking activity." I said as I shifted back.

"Yeah, meanwhile you should go to the toilet. See you later." She gave me a look of pity before running out of the room. Most of the girls had left the room by now. The rest were giving me curious looks, wondering why I was sitting on the bed and not leaving.

Diana was one of those few people. She asked, "Is there anything wr-"

"Monthly problems," I said, a little embarrassed. "Clair's getting help."

She nodded and patted my shoulder. "Get well soon." She left the room before I could say thanks.

The room was empty now, I covered the spot with the blanket and grabbed a few things and ran to the toilet as fast as I could, looking back a few times to see if anyone was around.

When I came back Clair was standing at my bed, a female instructor beside her. Clair lifted the blanket to show her the damage. (Haha very funny Emily) The instructor nodded, then looked up and saw me standing at the doorway.

"You definitely can't come with us for the activity, but you can watch us...or maybe you want to stay here and re-"

"I want to come along." I am so not missing all the Jordan action.

"You sure?" she asked. I nodded.

"You better run to the canteen, everyone is going to leave now. Someone will change your bedsheet later." She then ushered us out of the room and off Clair and I ran to the canteen.

When we reached there, everyone was already boarding the bus. We queued up behind the last person (which SO HAPPENS to be Jordan) and caught our breaths.

"Hey you okay?" Jordan turned to me, "I didn't see you with Clair just now. You guys are almost inseparable." He was quite right about the 'inseparable' part. We did almost everything together in camp.

"Uh..Health problems." I managed to say under all the gasping for air. I hope he didn't ask what kind of health problems.

To my relief, he said, "Oh.. Okay... Get well soon." He then boarded the bus with the both of us following behind.

The bus was half empty even though we were the last ones to board the bus. Everyone watched in silence as Jordan moved to the back of the bus and sat down. Quickly, I dragged Clair to the seats right in front of him. It's obvious what's going to happen.

A few seconds later, everyone stood up and tried to get the seats nearest to Jordan as possible. Diana and one of her friends managed to get the seats right beside the both of us.

"Oh hey Emily, I thought you said you had-"

I shushed her and pointed to Jordan, she understood and looked embarrassed, "It's better than doing nothing at my bed, so... but I won't be joining in the activity."

"Oh I see," Diana nodded. Her friend tapped on her shoulder and they began talking about makeup or something. Not my kind of thing.

Clair was busy looking behind her, trying to catch Jordan's attention with a few other competitors. She looked like she was winning. Jake was, too, trying to catch his attention. I decided to lean back in my chair and relax, ignoring what's going on behind me. I looked out of the window and realized the bus was already moving. I gazed at the passing trees.

Clair gave up on trying to catch Jordan's attention a few minutes later. The others were still on to it. I overheard one girl asking him what's his favourite food.

When we reached, I looked out of the window and saw a huge lake. Just beside the bus was a shelter full of life jackets and kayaks and oars. Everyone got off the bus and was instructed to put on a life jacket. Everyone, including the instructors put it on. Somehow, being the sole person who is not wearing one makes me feel very uncomfortable.

I decided to sit under a tree with a good shade. I watched everyone learn how to kayak, watched Diana having difficulties carrying a kayak, then saw Jake help her. I heard some squealing as they started rowing.

When they were far enough, I took out my camera and took photos.

I zoomed in on Jordan, almost bumping on a few other kayaks. *click*

I zoomed in on Clair, who was chatting to Diana nearby. *click*

I zoomed in on a guy who went overboard. An instructor was trying to help him up.*click*

I zoomed in on Jake, picking up a stray floating leaf from the water, then trying to study it. *click*

Clair waved in my direction, followed by Diana. I waved back and took a few more photos. I then took out my sketchbook and drew Jordan in a life suit with some water and clouds and a sun. I drew a guitar behind him (because... Jordan likes to play the guitar?) I scribbled "Camp Jordan" on one of the clouds. I giggled, Camp Jordan? What was I thinking? It sounds silly. I left the words there and closed the book.

Leaning against the tree trunk, I hugged the book to my chest and slept.

AN: Yes I know this chapter is... boring. THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL HAVE MORE KAYAKING AND JORDAN ACTION I PROMISE. (Psst it will be in another person's Point Of View! Who will it be? )

Anyway I just got a drawing tablet MWAHAHA this is perfect! MORE ART!

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