Chapter 4

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AN: Jordan has finally appeared, yay!

~30 minutes of looking-at-the-road later.....~

"Whoop! We are finally here!" Clair announced as my mom slowed down, stopping at the main entrance. The ride wasn't so bumpy, with the exception of a few jerks here and there.

I looked at the gate, at the top was a golden metal plate, with the words ,"Camp Laguna" on it. It looked like one of those fancy mansion gates, but the inside will be far from a mansion itself.

Me and Clair got off, and took our oh-so-heavy bags. My mother winded down the car window and told us to be safe before driving off. We then went through the already opened gate, and tried to find our way to the registration point as said in the confirmation letter. We managed to find it after some time under the hot sun and registered ourselves.After that, a lady brought us to an air-con room, where we will be briefed on the camp rules blah blah blah.

When we went in, the first person we saw wasn't Jordan, sadly, but a few other girls and boys sitting on the floor, their bags next to them. All of them looked about the same age as us. Most of them tried to sit as far away from each other as possible, the rest were in small groups of 2. Me and Clair found an empty space and we sat together. I looked around, there was a guy in front of me playing minecraft on his phone.

Clair was observing the ground before her, she made a *yuck* face.

"Ewww there's dead bugs everywhere," she observed. I looked at the floor, there were indeed many dead bugs, mostly flies and ants. Every single one of them looked squashed. There was an ant near me crawling slowly, about to die.

The door opened and I stopped focusing on the ants. 4 adults came in, none of them I could recognize, which meant no Jordan, yet. I sighed, when would he come?

Just then the door opened again, and a guy wearing a red t-shirt with shorts and sport shoes came in. He must be the in-charge of this whole camp, I thought. I sighed again, still no Jordan.

"Hey," Clair said and nudged me to look up at his face, I looked up.







The guy in front of me stopped playing his phone and looked up to Jordan in awe and wonder. In fact, everyone who was sitting on the floor looked very amazed and shocked. Some of the girls giggled. Jordan turned to look at the awe-struck teenagers before him, his bag slung over his shoulder.

He waved, and some of us waved back. Another adult cleared his throat.

"ERHEM! Its seems that all of you have arrived, So we will start the briefing now." And so he started talking about the camp rules blah blah blah, and nobody could pay attention because they were too busy looking at Jordan. Then he introduced the instructors names, which I forgot in less than a minute.

"So please welcome Jordan erm.... he will be us for the whole camp, I know all of you came to this camp because of Jordan, so please don't annoy him." he laughed, "Give him a round of applause please." everyone clapped as loud as they could.

"So before we head to our sleeping quarters, how about we introduce ourselves?" he turned to Jordan, "You start first."

Jordan gulped, and nodded. "So hi, I'm Jordan Maron.... and uh.... I play video games and upload them on YouTube." he laughed nervously. Trying to introduce yourself to some fangirls and boys who know you more than you know them can be quite frightening. Everyone applauded after he was done.

The guy nodded, and one by one, we introduced ourselves. When it got to my turn, I was too scared to stand up, but after some persuasion from Clair, I finally had the courage to do so.

"Hi my name is......Emily...." I said, I looked down at Clair, who was giving me a thumbs up.

"I'm sorry, but i can't hear you," Jordan stepped closer to me. Oh god I was not prepared for this. NOT AT ALL. My heart went faster

"Emily, my name is Emily." I said.

"Emily," he nodded, "What do you like?" All eyes were now on me.

"Minecraft and Pokemon," Jordan stepped closer, which means he can't hear me. I repeated myself. Jordan was like, a meter away from me.

"You like Pokemon? Cool," he smiled. I could hear my heartbeat now.

"And you, I like you." I added. A few people were giggling now,




He laughed, "Well that is cool too." he stepped away and I quickly sat down to prevent myself from getting anymore attention. The next person then stood up to introduce herself.

"Where did you get all the courage to say that?" Clair whispered, "Even I wouldn't do that." Clair has a lot of courage in her. When she had to introduce herself, she immediately stood up without any persuasion.

"I don't know, it's just escaped out of my mouth like that."

She shrugged and focused on the person who was introducing him/herself.

The rest of the session was a blur, including the collection of all valuable items like phones and wallets. When it was time to go to our sleeping quarters (the guys and the girls were split up), I was still replaying the introduction in my head over and over again.

"So here's your sleeping quarters girls," a female instructor gestured to the room. We placed our bags and took our day activity bags, and proceeded to the next activity. Hope there's Jordan in it.

Camp Jordan (Jordan maron/Captainsparklez)Where stories live. Discover now