Screaming "I'M BORED" earns you a visit from a cute guy...

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Screaming “I’M BORED” earns you a visit from a cute guy who asks you to the movies. What a long chapter name.

I watched the sun come up. I stared right into it. Vampire eyes, baby! A normal person would’ve been running around and screaming, “MY EYES! MY EYES! I’VE GONE BLIIIIIIIIND!” I know I would have.

I turned over on my bed. I was bored. Fun. Eternal boredom shall be my fate now.

Emmett yelled at the TV downstairs. Rosalie, Alice and Esme were cooing over how cute Renesmee looked. Jasper and Carlisle were talking about something men talk about. Edward and Bella had gone to their cottage to do whatever they did in an empty cottage. Jacob was gone. I can tell he’d been in my room earlier last night; my IPod smelled as if he’d sweated all over it. I’ll remember to yell at him for that. I wanted to listen to P!nk.

Still utterly bored, I grabbed my IPod and headed downstairs. Esme, Alice and Rosalie’s noses crinkled as I passed them. Renesmee stirred in her sleep and mumbled, “Jacob?” The other three quickly looked back at her.

I walked into the living room. Emmett was too into the game that he didn’t notice me until I rubbed my IPod over his arm.

“Hey!” he cried, pushing me away. I fell on my butt while he sniffed his arm. “What was that for?”

“I was bored,” I said, shrugging.

“Oh, great, now my arm smells like mutt,” he growled.

“On the bright side,” I said. “You’ve got a manly scent.”

He opened his mouth but couldn’t think of anything to say. I left the house and fell on my back in the backyard. Three days had passed. I’ve been bored for a long time. I didn’t choose to be bored, but I know Emmett’s to absorbed in the game to fight with me or anything (not that I wanted him to rip my limbs off) and my IPod still smelled a bit like Jacob. I should go find him and scream at him.

“Jacob!” I yelled. I heard feet pounding the ground and there was Jacob right above me.

“What?” he asked. I threw my IPod at him. It bounced off his shoulder.

“You’re dang dog musk has infected my IPod,” I hissed.

“So?” he said. “Rub it off on Emmett.”

“I already did that and it still smells,” I said.

“Rub it on your hands.”

“Oh, yeah, because I want to smell like dog.”

“Did you just call me over to annoy me?” Jacob asked.

“Yessir,” I said. “I’m effin bored. I hate not being able to go buy anything or go watch a movie.”

“You know why -”

“Yeah, yeah, I know, I know,” I said. Yesterday Carlisle and Edward and Jacob had made it clear that I wasn’t allowed to go out in public yet.  I agreed, but now I wished I hadn’t. Harry freakin Potter is out! The last movie! I wanna see it with people so I can laugh along with them. I’m sure I would’ve cried if I was still a human. Hmm... I wonder how long It’ll take for me to go human again... I hope Harry Potter is still in theatres by then. I don’t know how long it’ll be till it comes out on DVD...

“D’you think it’d be a good idea to see what Edward and Bella are doing?” I asked Jacob. He tried to hide a smile.

“Sure,” he said, a hint of a laugh in his voice.

“I want to kick you now,” I hissed. He laughed and walked inside the house before I could hurt him.

I moaned and flipped over. I’m not thirsty, and I don’t really want to bug anyone right now. Not even playing around with my shape shifting sounds fun. Maxed boredom = angry girl. Angry vampire girl = really really angry vampire girl. Stupid maxed out feelings.

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