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The group now back in Nel's house. This is were most of the meeting typically are held.

Quynn sat on the couch looking out the window. Fay was in the conversation where as Logan was sitting on the couch with him. Larisa was on the other arm rest. She looked at Quynn and Logan as she got up and started walking away. She got up quietly and hurried out the door. The boys watched her go. She stuck her hazel eyes back into the room and motioned them to follow. Quynn and Logan silently got up and crept out the door.

"Come on," she spoke in a sarcastically funny way. Logan happily ran after her which she was already far ahead clearly having had a head start.

"I was tired of listening to adults argue over nothing." She moaned and lead them into the woods on a different path than before.

"What do you guys want to see?" Larisa unemotionally questioned them. She directed most of her attention to Quynn. After all he was the one who got Imprinted by the first creature he ever touched. That was a talent all in its own.

Logan answered, "I don't even know where to start. What are the choices? What is the coolest? This can't be happening. I mean I'm following a girl into the woods to go see creatures that do not exist."

Larisa glared at him, "Could you please for the love of my sanity keep your thoughts inside you head. Remember there's a filler in their so use it. I would suggest you trust me to show you what I think you want to see." She walked suddenly faster forcing the boys to throw one leg in front of another.

Larisa tried to clarify the situation for them by informing, "We go out and 'rescue' creatures of all kinds. Which is basically anything that's not normal. We use our best methods of bring them here. But we have had some fights that really want to stay. Anyway we than erase and person or thing affected by the creature as if it were never there. Ummm one of our most recent ones was a griffin named Fang." The moment she said his name a rustling in the trees occurred.

A blob of deep green dropped down from them. Logan nearly screamed in fear. Quynn however watched with fascination. Larisa's throat filled with a cold blooded laugh that was not a giggle nor was it a chuckle it was somewhere in between. The creature had a white colored head and a green body. He wings were beautifully colored through many shades of green. His golden claws nearly sealed the deal.

"Fang! I know it. I know it. You could not contain yourself when I mentioned your name. To much pride I would say." She spat at him.

Before the dark green creature could speak in response eyes of all colors poked out of the trees surrounding the path.

Larisa stopped laughing abruptly. She whipered only so Logan could hear, "Pixies." She looked straight into the eyes of the griffin begging for help. She after all had been a major help in his rescue process.

Logan started to mentally panic he did not even understand Pixies but it was the way she said it that made it scary. Quynn could almost sense it and his hand rapped through Logan's and Larisa's.


"No no no I does not work..."

"What this makes no sense. What's going to happen to my brother? I ...."

"Umm dad... they are gone." Lee noticed quickly after debating with his father about the little boy.

All eyes turned to the empty couches once filled with children.

Fay's eyes flashes around. Lee could tell she was about to blow up on the everyone forming her prepared comebacks ready.

Nel rushes out the door. "Larisa is gone too. They are probably with her. I told her she could not go out alone."

Fay panicky questioned him, "Wait so if they did go. They could be in danger?!"

Lee answered Fay's enthusiastic questions, "Yes. Nel does not even let me out into the woods on my own. To dangerous you could get into trouble and no one would ever be able to find you. There are some nasty creatures out there."

Fay looked terrified and quickened her pace. Nel ordered the two expert keepers to split up. Nel brought Lee and Fay with him on his search.

"Why don't you just ask the animals? You know them well enough. Plus one of these imprinted on you. So use your power or talk to the creature." Fay frustrating spat at Nel.

Lee opened his mouth ready to give her a smart mouth answer back. He was interrupted by two pegasus landing right before them. Nel thanked the beautiful creatures and sat on the classic crystal white stallion. Lee motioned Fay on to the back of the mare. But Fay had other ideas she leaped onto the front and waited for Lee to sit behind her. She could feel his anger steaming out of him.

Luckily for Fay the horse required no stirring. It was as if the horse were on the same secret unspoken radio signal as Nel. The horse was extremely graceful every flap of her dark wings seemed to effect the world beneath her. Fay's hair blow back violently. Fay turned her to check on Lee. He had a slim smirk on his face. Fay glared away. Idiot. She thought to herself.

She scanned the ground and concentrated her attention to the dense canopy. The horse sudden started to dive down to the ground weaving in and out of the trees. Landing right at the feet of a swarm of fast moving flying objects.

"Pixies." Lee whispered in her ear.

She saw a white headed bird with a dark green bird torso and lion hind legs. At its feet stood Logan and Larisa. But Quynn was nearest to the pixies and they appeared to be interacting with him.

"Quynn!!" Fay screamed.

Every head tiny or extra big turned to face her.

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