A Unicorn or Two

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"What do we do!" Fay follows the black speck become farther and farther away.

Birch interrupts, "Umm well no need to panic. The horse clearly will protect him. But we can never be too sure. The possibility of imprinting and than killing him is very slim. But than again he could slip of on accident. Very very..."

He was interrupted by the next sound. The beautiful fire colored bird swooped down from the skies above. Before the bird landed it searched the children's minds for the source of their worries. The bird changed direction quickly and flew in the direction the boy had disappeared in.


Quynn held onto the the black horses mane as he round through the woods. His hair brushed around him in crazy directions. Quynn giggled happily. The wind felt so good to him. The horse seemed to pass him the feelings that he was feeling now. Quynn lay his head down on the stallions neck to warm himself from the chilly wind that had become cold. The horse slowed and stopped as a small lake. He began walking into the water. The lake which was mostly shaded by the trees froze Quynn. The horse walked deeper and deeper. Soon Quynn was in waist deep of the freezing water. The horse under him began to transform underneath him. The slimy slipper scales replaced the once sparkling coat. On the sides of the horses neck sprouted gills.

Memorized Quynn studied the horse not noticing the air tight bubble that formed around him underwater. His eyes danced in his head landing on many things he was never able to see underwater.

After a few minutes Quynn and the stallion surfaced. Hooves roared behind them. The stallion swung his head around. A large herd of crisp white horned horses rushed at the deeply black stallion. Quynn almost fell off of the back of the horse as it galloped away. The little boy used all of his might to prevent himself from slipping off. Quynn's hands started to tire and give out. Beads of sweat drip down his face and loosen his grip on the horses mane. A flame colored bird swooped down and suddenly Quynn tighten his grip. He found relief in his body from not having to hold on as hard. 

The black horse returned from field with the the bright red bird above it. The bird seemed to be helping Quynn keep his grip. Fay dashed over and scoped Quynn from the horse.

As Fay pulled Quynn looked forward he throw a his head around in search of his horse but he was already gone.


"Quynn where did the horse take you?" Lee asked him for the a millionth time. Quynn did no know what to say. He trusted him to an extend but he thought his experience was a private thing that Lee should not be worried about. Perhaps Lee was jealous of Quynn. "Come on bud answer me." Logan protectively  nudged Lee away.

"Lee clearly your methods are not working. Leave him alone. He will tell us if you get out of his face." Fay snapped just returning to the room.

Quynn felt the urge to get up and stretch his legs. Despite Fay's protest, Larisa followed after him.

"Do you see that over there? The little shimmer of light?" Larisa pointed to the small meadow that surrounded the house. The sun just seemed to be setting its vivid oranges blinding to Quynns' small eyes.  Quynn skipped over to where she pointed. He recognized the small figure and backed up immediately.

"It's a fairy. Oh no no it's not like the pixies. They are different. Here's how you can tell." She pointed at the wing it resembled a butterfly's. The small fairy grow closer to them.

"See the wing it looks like a clear butterfly wing. Pixies have more of a dragon fly wing look." Larisa wisely explained. Quynn watched her hold her palm out to the fairy. The fairy gracefully landed on the tip of her fingers.

"Fairies are kind. They mean no harm. There are even stories of fairies protecting this island from its own dangers. Fairies are always friends. If you interest them they can do wanders." She continued to explain.

"The horse took me underwater," it was all little Quynn could muster. Larisa looked into his soft blue eyes. "I saw a herd of white horses that had large horns." 

"Unicorns?" She glazed into a deeper place. He nodded giddily.

Once again he nodded. "I wish I could have done it." She sadly said. "You see along time ago I was imprinted on by a unicorn. He was beautiful cloudy gray. I was young and I had practically fallen in love with the creature. But he was different he never galloped with other the herd like a typical unicorn. Once when I was with him he spoke to me. It is not normal for a unicorn to do so. 'Young child I am not an unicorn at all,' he told me. He than ripped the fake horn from his head. He was a mix between a unicorn and domestic horse. He told me he needed me to in order to live an eternal life with his beloved mother. I began to scream and tried to run. He dragged me all the way to his lair I nearly made it in if Fang had not showed up."

Quynn searched her glossy eyes. The sun had completely set now and fairies danced around them. "So Fang is good?" He innocently asked her. She embraced him. Memories flooded her mind of the wonder color of his coat it was like dust had landed on a crystal. The way his coat only sparked in the darkness. And the power he had given her.


"Quynn was taken into the woods on the ocean horse! Lee I put you in charge! How can I get any work done if I have to constantly be worried about you guys!" Nel angrily yelled at Lee. As if this was a usually thing.

Fay stepped up beside him, "It was my fault to Nel. I'm really sorry. We should have never have gone out in the first place. If it had not been for me insisting we would have never gone." Lee side glanced at her lies. She returned the look with warning. No one ever took the blame with him.

He sighed, "Well at least everyone is safe. But honestly you two need to try harder. Either way I have good news I'm going to be taking everyone to work with me tomorrow for your first glances at my job. Everyone better get to bed." He winked and waved them up the stairs.

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