The Capture

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Lee followed his father into the wood with Fay at his heals.

"Alright everyone needs to board a creature. I'll take Quynn with me." He pointed at an excited Fang, Perytons, Pegasus, and one Ocean horse. Lee picked a dark coated Peryton. He watched Fay picked a beautiful gray one.

"Everyone, especially new riders, your creatures will know to follow me. So no worries relax and enjoy your rides just hold on." Neil instructs the group.

The experience is all to familiar to Lee. His winged deer took off underneath him. No matter know many times he did this every time he still gets the rush in his body as the wind rustling through his hair. A small grin escapes his typically straight face. Fay's shimmering gray deer roars past him. Fay laughing uncontrollably on the creature while she waves arrogantly at him. Lee takes this as a challenge and tries to push his deer to fly faster. But the deer seems to completely ignore him. Larisa passes him also on Fang as his wings roar past him. Even Logan who looks completely out of control of his creature passes him.


Logan clings to the horse until he starts to feel more comfortable. Once he does he lifts his head to peer over the large wings that sliced through the air. There's water below him in all directions. Its vivid blue colors clash with the crisp white waves that soar through. The sky mimicking another version of the same color. Much lighter and brighter.

Once trees come into sight it is only a few minutes before the ground grows close very fast and finally hooves glide over the ground.

"Everyone follow me and stay close." Neil instructs the group. "Now keep your eyes open. Zapt tell us what we are looking for."

"Okay. I have heard rumors of a shapeshifting creature. I have had to do a lot of detective work but I believe one of the forms is a wolf like creature. A strange teenaged girl has also been reported so I'm guessing it turns in to a teenager girl as well." Zapt tells the group as Maze bends down and starts looking to tracks.

She puts her fingers over her mouth and motions them to follow her. Everyone silently follows suit behind her.


Quynn tightly holds Fay's hand. She walks in front of him on the narrow path. Quynn watches as they approach a small but beautiful stream. A there just before him, he spots a beautifully cream and black coated wolf. Its wild and piercing eyes glare at the group. The wolf wildly barks and backs up. Then suddenly it flings around and bolts into the woods. Nobody notices Neil, Zapt, and Maze all step out.

"Fay they are gone." Logan somewhat lost says.

Quynn watches while everyone looks all over. Quynn feels something unknown drawing him and starts to follow it. Fay goes to grab him but Lee stops her. Quynn continues to walk not really understanding what's really going on.

His eyes scan the environment around him.

"How did you find me?" A young girls voice echoed through his mind.

"There is something different about you child. I can't speak in your mind freely. Who are you?" The voice called to him.

"My name is Quynn." This was all he could muster. His mind already hurt from speaking.

"What are doing here? Tell your men to go."  The voice commanded.

"I can't. I am not the leader." He responded growing more an more tired.

"If your not the leader than how do you do this? How did you find me?" She repeated her question.

"I don't know. What are you?" Quynn wondered.

"I'm half elf half human. My names Tyne. The wolf's name is Sage. Convince me to be captured and maybe I will." She asks.

"I can't convince you Tyne." Quynn starts weakly tumbling  to the ground. Screams fill his ears.

"Quynn! Quynn! What's going on?" The voice only barely able to be heard.


"Sage did you hear the conversation." She asks panicky.

"Yes. I did. What do we do?"

"Follow me." She instructs Sage.

The two take off in the direction of the screams. Not before a collar closes around Sage's small wolf net. Sage begins to send panicked messages to Tyne. Sage claiming she can't shape shift to a different animal.

Tyne starts running she's so close to the boy. She gracefully dodges every possible tree and trap.

"Which one of you is Quynn!?" She loudly asks the scared children. She spots a very young boy passed out. She rushes to his side and summons the little amount of magic she has. Some of children try to pull her away but she does not budge.

All the pulling and pushing finally stops. And even more people start to come and she can feel Sage is near too.

Quynn's small body begins to stir. Just as soon a net incloses around Tyne.

"Tyne what do we do?" Sage's voice quietly asks.

"Hi Tyne." A weak boy's voice says.

Tyne mentally laughs. "You better be worth it."


"How did you know him?" Logan watches as Neil questions the girl. Quynn does not really seem to be following he his lost in thought.

Quynn watches her sadly. Fay sits next to him. Neil slowly becomes angrier.

"Dad. Please no one waits to see you like this." Lee says stumbling a bit. Neil finally gets up and walks away.

Quynn gets up and fumbles at the lock trying to free her.

"No Quynn. She could be dangerous." Lee tells the boy.

"She is not." The boy spits at him.

"Quynn do you know her?" Lee asks seizing the opportunity. Fay watches too.

"She spoke to me in my head. The only reason why she got captured was because of me." Quynn unemotionally told them.

Fay reached for his hand. "Quynn nows not the time to make up a story. I don't want to see her caught either but she will be much happier here."

"No she will never fit in. The elves outcasted her. All humans do is take her away." Quynn's piercing eyes stab both Fay and Lee.

Zapt stepped out of the shadows and pulled a key from his pocket. He unlocked the cage.

They watched a teenaged girl gracefully step out. Her golden and stick straight hair glides over her shoulders. Her gray eyes calculating her surroundings. Next to her a wild looking wolf stood. The wolf transformed into a large black and white cat. The cat growled and snapped its jaw.

"I'm Tyne and this is Sage. Quynn you are younger than I every imagined you would be."

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