Pixies and Centaurs

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Logan looked over and saw his sister sitting on a beautiful black Pegasus. She had definitely spoken at the wrong moment. Nel had a very measured expression. Logan looked to Larisa for help.

Nel gracefully lowered himself to the ground. He calmly asked,"Hello. May I speak to your leader?"

Many of the pixies looked as though they were ignoring him but a extremely pretty pixie came out of a tree opening. "Mr. Pine. I don't think I have gotten to meet your guests." She motioned her hands to the children on both sides of him with a small gap in between your and guests.

"Greetings Queen Scarlet. These are my friends children Fay, Logan, and the little guy is Quynn. And of course my daughter Larisa and son Lee." He spoke so calming given the circumstances. He even wore a warm genuine smile.

"Hello children it's a pleasure. But if you don't mind me asking. I hear a rumor of a young boy who was imprinted on. Is this true? I hate when curiosity gets the better of me but I just can't help myself." The queen chattered.

Nel nodded,"It is indeed. I was trying to work it out myself. It seems the boy is standing before you."

The lady looked at little Quynn. She fluttered over to him. She landed on his little finger. Everyone that stood around just stared. She leaned close to him and appeared to be looking into his eyes.

Suddenly her small head flung backwards. Her expression changed quickly. "Leave the boy. It's true." She whispers to her people.

Logan and Larisa are the only ones that can hear this comment because they were close enough to hear the young Queen.

Quynn stepped back and joined Logan and Larisa. Nel waved the three over to his beautiful steeds. Larisa turned around and leaped on the creature behind her. Quynn silently walked over and Fay scooped him up into her lap. Logan how ever was stopped and Larisa was forbidden to lift off.

"Queen Scarlet. We really have to go. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. Please let the boy and my daughter go." He politely asked the unnaturally green haired lady.

"Mr. Pine you and the boy are free to go. But these two here have business. We promise we will send their remains back to you." She smiled innocently as if she had not just declared she was going to kill both Logan and Larisa.

Nel's grin turned over. "No no no. Sorry but we both know I'm not leaving with out them. Save us both time won't you? Let emm go."

The Queen ordered something in her own language. All the pixies gathered around to shield the queen and others scurrying around and collected supplies.

A beautiful fire colored bird landed on Nel's shoulder. It's feathers went from a bright yellow to a deep blood red. Nel spoke to the mythical bird. Quynn stared intently he knew the bird was a Phoenix. 

Nel nodded to the griffin Larisa sat upon. The griffin grabbed Logan as Larisa pulled him up and took flight. Nel and his Pegasus fly after them he did his best to block the pixies that followed from reaching them. While doing all this Fay, Lee, and Quynn's Pegasus took off the other direction towards the house. Lee was trying to protest but the mare continues without even the slightest change in direction.


"Larisa! You could have killed all of us. You need to start listening to me. Dad told you not to go out side alone." Lee shouted in the once quiet house.

Logan just stared out the window. Nel walked in for the first time.

"Lee please I'm heading off to work." He said as he was halfway up the stairs.

Lee countered quickly, "Dad I want to go to."

"No you need to stay here watch the others. Because the keepers and me are going out on a few jobs today. We won't be around to watch you. But I can't lock you guys up here. I have set a few of my creatures to keep an eye on you." Nel told the children. He than shared a private word with Lee and left.

It remained quiet for hours until finally Quynn spoke up, "Let's go out side. Meet some creatures."

"Come on." Lee told them grumpily. The group all got up and took a new trail into the woods.

"Want to meet what imprinted on me?" Lee asked.

Quynn nodded intensely. Lee personally brought Quynn along beside him. They talked the whole time.


Beautiful horses of different colors and patterns stood before them. They had human torsos and heads. There were lots of them all around them. Quynn looked up to Lee and smiled.

On horse in particular came over to greet Lee.

"Hey Lee. How are you doing? Who are your friends? I'm Birch by the way." The centaur spoke.

"Hey Birch. I'm great. This is Fay, Logan, and Quynn. Which if you don't already know Quynn here has already been imprinted on." Lee tells the handsome creature.

"Yes actually I have. I was not going to say anything yet. But it is extraordinary how this could even be. I bet your father talked about it for hours. The leaders here have too. What imprinted on you little son?" The centaur of black hair and a multicolored coat said.

Lee answered back, "You bet. It was an Ocean horse I believe."

"Follow me." The centaur told them. The group followed behind him. "See here we can always go talk to the horses. We can figure out why and what his power could be. Has he showed any signs of power?"

Lee shrugged as Birch and him got farther ahead to discuss Quynn.

Logan could see a large body of water coming up. He also saw a field of fresh green grass drizzled in what looked to be sparkling beautiful horses.

Quynn's little head search for his black horse. He spotted him and had the sudden urge to run and hug him. So he did. The horse gently held him. The rest of the group just watched.

"Tell me again of the pixies story." The centaur asked Lee. As Lee explained Birch nodded understandingly. "Well you see it seems to me the horse gave him a very valuable protection charm and ability of something else too. Can't quiet figure it out yet."

Fay spoke this time, "What a second he has a protect charm on him is that why the fairies let him go?"

The centaur nodded, "I believe so but this is a very strange power. It's like I don't know not exactly a power just a charm. Which leads me to think there is something we are missing here."

Unexpected the pitch black stallion throw Quynn onto his back and ran into the dark woods.

"Quynn! They are taking him!" Fay yelled.

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