2- healing

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Warnings: This is a fan fiction crossover featuring Naruto and Bleach. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold - Kyuubi & Shirosaki speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu

Chapter 2 - healing

As Ichigo rounded a corner into a nearby alley, he could see a blood bruised up kid two years younger than him. The kid had sun kissed golden blond hair and brilliant sapphire blue eyes that looked almost dull and lifeless. Being the son of a doctor, Ichigo knew that he had to help this kid.

"Hey kid are you all right? Hang on, I am going to help you." Ichigo told the kid before he had closed his eyes.

"What in the world happened to him?" asked Shiro.

*I am not certain Shiro. We can worry about that later. First we have to get him home in order to tend to his wounds.* replied Ichigo as he noticed that Naruto was wearing clothing that he wasn't familiar with. Who in their right minds would wear an orange jumpsuit (Naruto's first outfit). Shiro just nodded his head that he understood as he vanished from Ichigo's sight retreating back to Ichigo's mindscape. Ichigo took off his backpack from his back as he slung it across his chest. Ichigo positioned Naruto to sit up against the wall this way Ichigo could hoist the injured kid onto his back. Ichigo carefully lifted Naruto onto his back as he noticed that the child he was carrying was incredibly light and boney. As if he hasn't had a decent meals in days. Ichigo stood up once he was sure that Naruto was squarely on his back. Ichigo then took off for his home which also doubled as a clinic with the unconscious Naruto on his back.

Ichigo juggled opening the door to his house hoping that his father was home.

"I'm home!" he called out as his two younger twin sisters came running to greet him. Both Karin and Yuzu eyes bulged when they saw their older brother covered in blood holding another kid on his back.

"Dad come here quickly!" both Karin and Yuzu shouted out. Isshin Kurosaki came running when he heard his twin three year old girls desperate cries. Ichigo held Naruto against his back as Ichigo was covered in the younger kids blood.

"What happened Ichigo?" asked Isshin.

"I don't know dad. I found him in an alley like this on my way home from school." replied Ichigo as he kicked off his shoes.

"Karin I need for you to run a bath. Yuzu get the bandages and antiseptic. Ichigo bring him to the bathroom and remove his blood stained clothing." commanded Isshin. The Kurosaki household went to work completing their assigned task. Ichigo removed Naruto's ninja sandals placing them with the rest of the shoes. He then went to his room to drop off his backpack before heading to the bathroom.

Karin had finished filling the tub half way as she allowed Ichigo to enter followed by her father as Yuzu gave him the items that he requested.

"All right you two. Ichigo and I can handle this. Can you two prepare a hospital bed for our guest?" asked Isshin.

"Can you also grab me and him a change of clothes from out of my room? They maybe slightly big for him but we will make due." asked Ichigo.

"Sure thing." the twins replied as they took off to complete their new tasks. Ichigo stripped off his bloody school uniform leaving on his boxers. Ichigo then began to stop Naurto out of his blood stained ripped clothing leaving the smaller kids boxers on. Ichigo climbed into the tub as Isshin gently lifted Naurto into the tub handing him to Ichigo this way he could clean off and bandage all of Naruto's wounds. Once all of the blood and grime were off. Isshin placed on the antiseptic cream followed by bandages. Both Ichigo and Isshin had noticed the odd looking tattoo on Naruto's stomach. Suddenly there was a knock on the bathroom door.

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