25- tower fight

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Warnings:  This is a fan fiction crossover featuring Naruto and Bleach.  In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters.  This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it.  Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don’t hate me for it!


Key Guide: “regular speech”, ‘thinking to one’s self’, *mental speech*, (author notes), bold - Kyuubi & Shirosaki speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~, +flashback+

Chapter 25 – tower fight

When Ichigo regained consciousness Naruto handed Ichigo back his zanpakuto.  Both teams had to find their second scroll.  It turned out that Team Seven was also looking for an earth scroll.

“We should possibly part ways this way we may have a better chance to find the scroll we need.” stated Sai.

“No offense Sai but with you injured and Sakura in no shape to fight, we stand better odds together.” stated Naruto.

“I have to agree with Naruto.  The only member who is actually fit to fight is Sasuke.” stated Ichigo.

“I still don’t understand why you are willing to help us out.” stated Sakura.

“Because it’s our job to help others in need.” replied both Naruto and Ichigo in unison.

“You will get used to them as they are always like this.” stated Haku.

Lucky enough both Special Team One and Team Seven came across two teams near the tower that had the scrolls that they needed.  The two teams took off for the tower as they separated each going in their own way.  After completing one last final test the groups where lead to the battle arena within the tower.  The hokage was there to welcome them all to the tower.

“From here on the battles you fight will be much harder as you will be forced to fight teammates and/or friends and even family.  If you wish to bow out please step forth.” stated Sarutobi. Sai along with another man with glassed stepped forth.  Sai couldn’t continue on as his arm was clearly broken.  The other man raised the most question. “Kabito Yakashi if I am not mistaken this is your seventh time taking these chunin exams.  Every time you have dropped out just before the fights within the tower.” stated Sarutobi.

“Perhaps I am quite happy with just being a genin.” he replied.

*And I am my monkey’s uncle.  He stinks of that damn snake.* growled Kyuubi darkly.

*Perhaps he is either a spy or works for Orochimaru.  When we get a chance we have to warn the hokage about what happened.* stated Shiro.  Ichigo and Naruto could see Kisuke approach the hokage as he whispered something into Sarutobi’s ear.  Sarutobi nodded his head as he told the group that they would be able to rest up and take care of any wounds that they had.  Kisuke looked at both substitutes motioning for them to follow him.  Both Naruto and Ichigo followed Kisuke as they both had a guess at what this was about.  No doubt the former captain sensed their high release of spiritual pressure which caused some questions and concerns.

When Kisuke confronted the two along with Sarutobi about what the former captain had sensed, the two had told them about what had happened within the forest of death.

“The Akatsuki.  It isn’t the first time that I have heard about this group as Jiraiya had told me about them and them gathering all of the Jinchuriki.  It seems that my old student is mixed up with their lot.” stated Sarutobi.

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