10- chakra, trees, and water

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Warnings: This is a fan fiction crossover featuring Naruto and Bleach. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold - Kyuubi & Shirosaki speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-

Chapter 10 - chakra, trees, & water

The following day both Naruto and Ichigo meet up with Yamato to begin their training.

"Now for this exorcise we are going to climb trees without the use of your hands. You are going to use chakra focused on the soul of your feet. The feet are the hardest place to focus chakra as it forces you to maintain perfect control of your chakra." stated Yamato as he made a single hand sign. Yamato then walked up the tree placing his feet onto the tree. Yamato then proceeded to walk up the tree sideways without using his hands. Yamato then proceeded to hang upside down from one of the branches. Yamato reached into his pouch taking out two kunai as he threw them down to Naruto and Ichigo. "I want you to both take a kunai and attempt to climb up to the highest part of the tree marking your progress." stated Yamato.

"Captain Yamato what happens if our chakra is too little or too much?" asked Ichigo.

"Too little chakra forces you to slip off the tree. Too much chakra you make a good dent into the tree."

"Any advise on how to achieve the perfect balance of chakra?" asked Naruto.

"Focus on the tree. Ignore everything else around you. Make sure you carefully administer the right amount of chakra. Your best bet is to take a running start up the tree." replied Yamato. Ichigo laid Zangetsu to the side as Naruto did the same for Kitsune. Kyuubi was told by Zangetsu to come up with a name for his zanpakuto form. Zangetsu had told Kyuubi that all zanpakuto had two different forms. One was the shiki form which is the form of the Soul Reapers awakened sword and the second was the bankai form. Most zanpakuto spirits change their forms when they awaken their bankai form. Hense the reason why Kyuubi can transform into a human form. Kyuubi came up with the name Kitsune meaning "demon fox" for when Naruto's zanpakuto was in its shiki state. For its bankai form the name of his zanpakuto was Shikon Kitsune meaning "fanged demon fox". Ichigo's zanpakuto in its shiki form was Zangetsu meaning "slaying moon". Ichigo's bankai zanpakuto was Tensa Zangetsu which meant "heaven chain slaying moon" in where Zangetsu transformed into a much younger version of himself. Both Zangetsu and Kyuubi kept their bankai form a secret from their humans. Naruto also took off his cloak folding it nicely placing it next to Kitsune.

When they were ready both Ichigo and Naruto made a single hand sign focusing on their chakra remembering what Yamato said once they thought they had it, they grabbed the kunai running for the tree. Ichigo got half way up before he began to slip. Ichigo slashed at the tree quickly before landing on the ground. Naruto went to the same height before he felt the tree break beneath him. Naruto slashed the tree before leaping down to the ground. Both Naruto and Ichigo looked at their marks as they focused on trying again. Yamato came down from the tree surprised that both teens had made it up so far on their first attempt. Both Ichigo and Naruto bolted for their respective tree as they had made it five feet past their first mark. This time Ichigo put a dent into the tree and Naruto slipped off the tree. Both teens made their marks before landing on the ground. Without batting an eye both teens took off again. This time both Naruto and Ichigo had made it past the lower thicket of branches as they kept going until they had to make their marks before landing onto the ground.

At around noon both Ichigo and Naruto were taking a break as they had almost reached the top of their trees.

"I am a bit surprised that you both had managed to progress so far. Now we can move on to the next step, walking on water." stated Yamato. Both Naruto and Ichigo looked at their captain like he was crazy. "Just follow me." commanded Yamato. The two teens followed their captain after picking up their stuff to a nearby river bank. "Walking on water is a lot harder as it requires a constant stream of chakra." states Yamato as he make the single hand sign to begin to walk on water. "If you don't have a steady stream of chakra, you are going to get wet." Ichigo and Naruto nodded their heads that they understood. The two teens began to strip down to their boxer shorts. Once they were down only to their drawers, they began to focus on their chakra again. They walked out onto the water getting about five feet from the shore before falling in. Both teens let out a sharp curse as they fell in getting drenched. The water was nice and cool especially right after working up a sweat from their tree climbing training. Both boys swam back to the shore before trying again. As they tried again the seal on Naruto's stomach began to become more visible. Both Ichigo and Naruto tried again as this time they got fifteen feet from the shore before falling in. Yamato knew that on the next round they would go a lot further staying a float on the water. 'Amazing.... Their both resilient as they have way more chakra than anyone else within the village. They both learn quickly adapting to what's around them.' Yamato thought to himself.

At the end of the water walking exorcise both Ichigo and Naruto had gotten thirty feet from the shore as they managed to stay on the water performing several taijutsu moves landing on the surface of the water without falling in. Yamato called both teens in as he felt that they were both ready to learn ninjutsu and genjutsu techniques.

"With your water walking and tree climbing techniques fully mastered. You will both have a better understanding of chakra enabling you to read an opponent and predict their moves. Now we can work on developing your ninjutsu and genjutsu techniques. I will also be teaching you some both way advanced techniques that you will both be able to pull off thanks to your enormous chakra that you both have." Yamato stated as Ichigo and Naruto took the time to dry off before they got dressed back into their outfits. "This shall grant you the skills that we will need for our first mission. Not to mention what you have been learning from your zanpakuto spirits but also your other halves." added Yamato. This caused both Naruto and Ichigo to smile as they worked with Yamato perfecting their jutsu techniques as they also worked on perfecting their zanpakuto powers.

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