20- chunin exams

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Monsters with Souls

Warnings:  This is a fan fiction crossover featuring Naruto and Bleach.  In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters.  This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it.  Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don’t hate me for it!

Key Guide: “regular speech”, ‘thinking to ones self’, *mental speech*, (author notes), bold - Kyuubi & Shirosaki speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~

Chapter 20 – chunin exams

After everything that had happened, Ichigo and Naruto went back to the human world or the world of the living as the soul reapers called it.  Ichigo felt that he had to talk to his family before something else popped up and before they were once again transported off back to Naruto’s world.  Yourichi had passed along the message that the chunin exams were coming up.

“The chunin exams?” questioned Ichigo.

“The next level above that of a genin.  It is to see who may become a jonin.” replied Naruto.

“Maybe once we get back to your world, we can figure out what or rather who is behind the events there and their tie in to Aizen.” stated Ichigo.

“Let’s just hope that we aren’t thrown into another event where someone is trying to pit us against each other or trying to kill us.” added Naruto.  This earned a snarl of agreement from both Kyuubi and Shiro.  “Just out of curiosity how did you break free of what was controlling Shiro?” questioned Naruto.

“Zangetsu told me to change Shiro’s name.  To us he is still Shirosaki but I gave him a full complete name.  His name is Shirosaki Hichigo Ogichi.  I also stabbed him with my zanpakuto pouring every bit of spiritual power into him that I could muster.” replied Ichigo.

Both Ichigo and Naruto entered the gigas that they had left with Tessai as he gave them mod soul pills which would act in their place should they need arrived for them to be in soul reaper form.  The substitute badges would also be able to pop the mod souls from out of their bodies.

“So let me get this straight.  These things would be able to work in anything without a soul?” questioned Ichigo.

“Pretty much.” replied Tessai.  The two teens slipped into their gigais as they took the mod souls leaving Tessai’s shop.

“It’s hard to believe that these little marbles contain a soul within it.” stated Naruto as he played with the mod soul in his hand.  “How do you suppose we keep them close with us at all times?” he asked.  Ichigo then noticed a small plush toy lion on top of a garbage bag as an idea popped into his head.  The orange hair teen went over picking it up.

“Tessai did say that it would work in something without a soul.” Ichigo stated as he popped the marble into the toy lions mouth.  Shortly after the lion seemed to came to life.

“What’s going on?  Who in the hell are you two?” asked the toy.

“I’m Ichigo Kurosaki and that’s Naruto Uzamaki.  I guess you can say that I’m kind of your owner since you are my mod soul.” replied Ichigo.

“But then why am I in this toy body?” it asked.

“Sorry Kon, curiosity.  I had to see if Tessai was telling us the truth about what you could do.” replied Ichigo.

“Kon?” it questioned.

“Well I have to name you something don’t I?  I can’t go around calling you mod soul all the time.” replied Ichigo.  Kon smiled at his name as Ichigo picked up the toy placing it on his shoulder.

“I guess that is one way to do it.” stated Naruto.  On the way home Naruto had found a small plush toy fox for his mod soul as he name it Kurama.  Both Shiro and Kyuubi were laughing at the irony of Ichigo finding a lion because Shiro often calls him King and Naruto finding a fox because of one what was sealed inside of him and two the nickname he is often called by Kyuubi and Captain Komamura.

Naruto and Ichigo arrived opening the door to the Kurosaki Clinic.  Isshin came rushing towards them both (as usual).

“Welcome home Naruto and Ichigo!” Isshin cried out.  Ichigo quickly grabbed the door slamming it on his father’s face.  Both teens could hear a loud thud as Isshin collided with the door.  Naruto slowly shook his head opening the door to find Isshin plastered on it.

“For god sakes dad….. grow up.  We aren’t little kids anymore.  We need to have a family meeting.  There is something important that we need to tell everyone.” stated Ichigo.  Isshin pulled himself off the door looking at his sons who had a serious look on their faces.  When he saw the soul badges hanging from their pants, his attitude changed.

“Are you certain that you want both Karin and Yuzu to know?” he questioned as both teens nodded their heads yes.  Isshin didn’t question their judgement as he went to get Karin and Yuzu.  The Kurosaki clan was sitting within the living room as both teens went to their rooms to change their clothing.  The two Kurosaki girls looked confused about what was going on.

Naruto began explaining things from his past that only Ichigo knew about.  The truth that he came from a different dimension, about the nine tailed demon fox that he contained with inside of him, and how he is actually a ninja.  The Kurosaki household looked shocked to hear this.  Ichigo then explained how he had the ability to see ghosts and spirits.  How he had an inner hollow and that one day he meet a soul reaper who had fought a hollow outside of their home because it sensed Ichigo’s immense spiritual pressure.

“When I touched the soul reaper’s sword, it awakened my own soul reaper powers.  I am now a substitute soul reaper.  Naruto is one as well because of Kyuubi’s powers.  We can both travel from this world to the one that Naruto comes from.  So while we are gone, these mod souls will take our place until we return.” stated Ichigo as the two plush toys waved their paws as they still sat on the teens shoulder.  Isshin didn’t seem surprised by Ichigo’s statement that he had become a soul reaper.

“I knew that it was only a matter of time before you gained that power Ichigo.  Your mother always knew that you were special that is why she gave you the name that means he who protects.  You see I used to be a soul reaper captain before I had met your mother.  But I gave up my duty when I fell in love with her.  I know that she would be proud of you Ichigo.  Naruto you are still a member of this family despite where you came from and what you have inside of you.”  Hearing that his father was a former soul reaper shocked Ichigo.  Naruto broke down into tears grateful that the Kurosaki family still thought of him as family regardless of where he came from and what he had within him.

Soon both Naruto and Ichigo began to feel the familiar pull on their bodies as they reacted quickly pulling their mod souls out of the toys popping the pills into their mouths separating from their actual bodies.

“Be careful you two and return home safe.” stated Isshin.

“We will.  Kon…… Kurama….. take care of our family while we are gone.” Ichigo and Naruto stated in unison.  Both Kon and Kurama saluted that they understood as both Ichigo’s and Naruto’s soul forms disappeared from the room.  Naruto and Ichigo were transported through time and space as they found themselves back at the Namikaze estates.  Their first order of business was to find their captain and teammate.  They also needed to prepare for the upcoming chunin exams.  The two had a feeling that something was about to happen as no doubt they would be thrown into the middle of an event that would forever change them yet again.

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