4- years later

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Warnings: This is a fan fiction crossover featuring Naruto and Bleach. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold - Kyuubi & Shirosaki speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits speaking-

Chapter 4 - years later

Ten years have passed since Naruto Uzamaki started living with the Kurosaki family. Not once has the Kurosaki family treated him any different than they would each other. Naruto began to question how Isshin was able to get legal documentation to have Naruto become a member of the family. Not once did Naruto desire to go back to his home dimension. He had things here that he didn't have back home. Family, friends, clothing, and food. Since learning about Kyuubi being housed within him, the fox opened up and told Naruto the truth of why he attacked all those years ago. According to Kyuubi, someone had taken control of the fox forcing him to attack the village. The fourth Hokage, Naruto's father Minato Namikaze risked his life to stop the fox by sealing the fox within the body of his newborn son.

"My father was the fourth Hokage?" asked Naruto in shock. Kyuubi shook his head yes. "Then how come I don't have his name but my mom's?"

"Think about it Kit. Your father probably had a lot of enemies. That's why you carry your mother's last name. But your true name is Naruto Namikaze Uzamaki." stated Kyuubi. Kyuubi touched the pond within the mindscape to show Naruto images of his parents. Naruto couldn't help but to notice that he looked a lot like his father. Naruto couldn't blame Kyuubi for being controlled and attacking the leaf. He was grateful for the fox telling him the truth about what happened all those years ago.

There was the occasional scuffle when someone either picked on Ichigo or Naruto because of their hair color. Sometimes they made the mistake of calling Naruto a freak. Ichigo wouldn't stand for anyone making fun of his little brother. Both Naruto and Ichigo had gotten a reputation for being known as punks. They got into their fare share of fights. Naruto stood a bit shorter than Ichigo but they both attended the same school and grade. Even though Naruto has never attended school before, he showed that he had some smarts which allowed him to jump grades.

Both Naruto and Ichigo were walking home sporting new injuries from their most recent fight. Both were sitting on the river bank where Ichigo's mother had died. Ichigo and Naruto were skipping rocks across the surface.

"So how do you think we should tell dad you got your injuries?" asked Naruto as his bruises were healing thanks to his healing factor because of Kyuubi.

"Sorry we can't all heal as fast as you Naruto." Ichigo stated bluntly causing Naruto to look a bit upset. "Sorry Naruto. I didn't mean it. Its just those kids pissed me off. Who are they to judge a person anyway?" asked Ichigo as he picked up another rock chucking it so hard that the rock skipped clear across the river before it imbedded its self into a hill. Upon seeing this, Naruto whistled out loud.

"Damn Ichigo. Is it just me or have you gotten stronger?" asked Naruto. Ichigo ran his hand through his hair as a sheepish grin stretched across his face.

"Perhaps I have. Hey Naruto, can you keep a secret?" asked Ichigo seriously.

*King you are not going to tell him about me?* asked Shiro mentally.

*No Shiro….. Not yet. But I feel that he may know what it is like to have a monster with inside of him.*

*Gosh King….. You say the most flattering things.* replied Shiro.

"You know that I can Ichigo. So what's this secret you want to tell me?" asked Naruto.

"Just follow me….. Its best if you see this for yourself." replied Ichigo.

Both Naruto and Ichigo walked over to a sight where a memorial vase stood against a telephone pole. Ichigo knelt down by the vase placing new flowers in it.

"I came back like I had promised as I brought you some new flowers." Ichigo stated softly.

"Who are you talking to Ichigo?" asked Naruto. Ichigo rose to his feet as he placed his hand about to his waist as it looked like it was resting on something.

"This is why I wanted to show you. I can see ghosts and spirits. I also have the ability to hear and communicate with them." stated Ichigo. Naruto squinted his eyes trying to see the spirit. Slowly the image came into view causing Naruto's eyes to widen. It appeared to be a little girl about ten years old. Her chestnut brown hair was tied up into a pony tail as she had bright emerald green eyes.

-Is this the one that you told me about?- she questioned to Ichigo.

"Yep….. This is my adoptive little brother Naruto Uzamaki." answered Ichigo.

"Um….. Ichigo, I think I can see and hear her." Naruto stated. Ichigo looked at Naruto in shock when he heard this. *Kyuubi what gives?* Naruto asked the fox mentally.

*Don't look at me Kit. Your body has possibly slowly developed the power of this realm. I am just as shocked as you are. Who would have thought that he would have this kind of power.* replied Kyuubi.

Little did the fox demon know that it was more than just that. A large blue doorway began to appear within Naruto's mindscape. The door appeared to lead no where as it stood complete on its door frame. Meanwhile within Ichigo's mindscape, one of the buildings began to turn blood red. The two mindscapes were forming a way to merge allowing the two occupants to meet for the first time.

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