15- journey to the Soul Society

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Warnings: This is a fan fiction crossover featuring Naruto and Bleach. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold - Kyuubi & Shirosaki speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translations]

chapter 15- journey to the soul society

Ichigo and Naruto traveled through time and space as it felt like an incredible roller coaster space as it bended around them to bring back to Ichigo's home realm. The two teens lost consciousness in between the leap from two dimensions. When they came too they found themselves once again in a strange looking room wearing their normal clothing. Their heads hurt as their bodies felt heavy. Suddenly they could see a large man with braided dark brown hair pushed back as he wore a pair of circular glasses.

"Ah….. I see that you finally came too. Kisuke Urahara had warned me that he felt your presence vanish from the other world." Both Ichigo and Naruto sat up looking at the large man as they worked out the kinks out of their bodies.

"You know Kisuke?" questioned Ichigo.

"Yes…. I used to work on the Kido Core in the Soul Society. My name is Tessai Tsukabishi. I am your contact in this realm while Urahara is in Naruto's realm. I was just holding onto your bodies until you get back." Hearing this from Tessai raised many questions which he gladly answered.

"You said that you were warned we were coming back. But how?" questioned Naruto. Tessai simply smiled as he then called out a name.

"Yoruichi." Both Ichigo and Naruto were confused until a black cat came in it was called. "Yoruichi passed the message from Urahara to me." Before they could ask…. The cat smiled at them.

"So you are the two everyone is intrigued about. I frankly can see why." stated Yoruichi. Both Ichigo and Naruto's jaw almost fell to the ground.

"Holy shit…. The cat talked!" both of them stated in unison.

*Kit that ain't no cat… Whatever it is smells too much like a human.* Kyuubi stated mentally. This caused both Naruto and Ichigo to take a defensive stance despite not having any weapons. This caused Yoruichi to smile.

"You two are definitely far more than you appear to be." stated Yoruichi as the cat's body began to glow changing shape to become human. A black skinned female with purple hair and golden eyes now stood before Ichigo and Naruto totally naked. Both teens turned quickly blushing a bright shade of red causing Yoruichi and Tessai to laugh.

After Yoruichi had gotten dressed, both Yoruichi and Tessai explained how the Soul Society was first formed and how it was the duty of the Soul Reapers to send wayward spirits to their resting place. She explained the many different types of spirits and their part in the world.

"You two are the very first living Soul Reapers that has ever existed and about the only two that are able to teleport between dimensions." stated Yoruichi.

"Then how are you able to go from Naruto's world to here?" asked Ichigo. This question caused Yoruichi to smile.

"We use a zenkaimon. I was told by head captain Yamamoto to bring you both to the Soul Society once you have come back to this dimension. But that can wait as your family is waiting for you." Both Ichigo and Naruto smiled as they both left the small shop heading home.

Ichigo and Naruto was outside of the Kurosaki clinic dreading how their father was going to react now that they were home. Ichigo opened the door only to hear the window break above them.

"Your finally back…. Ichigo and Naruto!" called out Isshin. Both Ichigo and Naruto stepped to one side watching as Isshin crashed face first into the side walk as this legs fell over in front of his head.

*Some things never change.* stated Shiro mentally. Without saying a word both Naruto and Ichigo went inside leaving Isshin as he was. Both Naruto and Ichigo spent several hours telling their family about what they haven been through….. Lying of course about everything. The two teens knew that no matter what, they couldn't let their family know the full truth. They would find everything hard to believe even if they found out the truth.

After spending several hours with the Kurosaki family, both Ichigo and Naruto went back to the shop where they meet Yoruichi and Tessai. The plan was to make the journey to the Soul Society as quickly as possible. Yoruichi was waiting for the two teens as she tossed them a small badge like object.

"What's this?" asked Naruto.

"Those are special combat passes. Press it against your body." answered Yoruichi. The two teens did as Yoruichi instructed them to do. There was a brilliant flash of light as their souls separated from their bodies falling to the ground. Both Naruto and Ichigo now stood in their Soul Reaper garb with their zanpakuto's firmly in place.

"What the hell?" they both asked in shock when they saw their bodies on the ground.

"Your regular bodies are what we call gigai as you are now in your soul forms. Those badges have the power to separate your soul from your gigai." stated Yoruichi as the then tossed them a device that looked like a peez dispenser. "Those are soul candy. When you take one it inserts a mod soul into your body who will take your place. You can remove the mod soul using the combat passes that I just gave you as those badges also alert you to hollow activity. For safe keeping you can insert the mod souls into anything that does not have a soul." added Yoruichi. Both Ichigo and Naruto nodded their heads that they understood as they popped the mod souls into their gigai mouths. A minute or two the bodies twitched to life. "All right you two….. Stay out of trouble and we should be back quickly." stated Yoruichi as the two mod souls nodded their heads that they understood. Tessai opened up a zenkaimon to bring Naruto, Ichigo, and Yoruichi to the Soul Society.

When they existed the zenkaimon they could see a Soul Reaper waiting for them. He wore a white robe over his Soul Reaper clothes. He looked very regal looking as he had his hair pulled back by some white rods. His zanpakuto was within a sheath attacked to his side.

"Yoruichi Shihoin welcome back. I trust that these are the two that we have heard so much about. Come with me as head captain Yamamoto is waiting for us." stated the Soul Reaper.

"Yoruichi…. Who is this?" asked Ichigo.

"I am Captain Byakuya Kuchiki as I command squad six out of the thirteen court guards." answered Byakuya. Ichigo and Naruto followed Yoruichi and Byakuya to the place where they were supposed to meet head captain Yamamoto. Byakuya took the three to the main meeting hall where they were told to wait outside until summoned.

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