Chapter 3: Babysitter?

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Hendrix POV


As the bell rings signaling we can leave this damn school I can't help but to think, "Hallelujah!" After I leave my last period class, advanced welding, I hear whispers about Hannah hitting another girl. "Wow, lost her cool finally!" I think, but as I think this I can't help, but to feel sorry for the girl who got hit.

"Did ya hear?" Carter says slapping me on the back.

"About Hannah hitting another girl? Yes... Poor girl." I tell him sympathetically.

"Yeah except it's worse! She chucked a tennis ball at Finch's face with her racket!" Carter exclaims.

"What?!" I ask being caught off guard. Finch... Persephone Finch! Wanting to be clear I question "The beautiful one? The one from this morning?"

"Oh so now she's beautiful. I thought she was... what's the word 'cute'," Carter says. I growl at him just wanting to know. "Yes the beautiful one." He exaggerating his words.

"Is she alright?" Wait... why do I even care? I don't know her... "but you want to." A quiet voice says in my head. Ignoring the voice I focus on Carter-who already was talking.

"--Well, of course those were rumers. I'm pretty sure her nose is just bruised." He says.

"Umm... Well that's good," I say, but then ask, "do you want to hit the gym with me today?"

"Nah, man I have to watch Sara. Speaking of which I'm picking her up, so see you tomorrow?"

"Sure. Tell your sister hello for me," I tell him.

"Course bye, Drix."

"Bye." Walking to my car I see Hannah making out with Jason. Surprise surprise. *notice my sarcasm*. Ugh that is so nasty! Rushing I get into my car, a red Toyota tundra, ignoring the grotesque scene. I can't help but to wonder why she's popular. I mean she hit Persephone who seems like a sweet girl. Sighing, and shaking my thoughts off I put my car in reverse, and quickly get out of that hell hole. Immediately I head for the gym.

The drive to the gym is now just muscle memory to me, since I've been doing the drive since I could drive. I train everyday to become a marine. When I first get there I'm greeted by Big Joe, who is the owner. Big Joe is a man in his mid fourties, with black/grying hair, blue eyes and is VERY muscular- henceforth Big Joe. "Hey, boy," Big Joe greets.

"Hi Joe. How are you?"

"Great, you doing your usual?" He ask.

"Yes, sir," I reply.

"Then get to it boy!" He says walking away.

"Oh what a man of many words, but at least he didn't make me suffer through a lecture today," I thought.

After the run in with Joe I run a half-marathon, and then do strength/core exercises. During the time I work out I think of the one person who has captivated me. Persephone Finch. I wonder how is she. What is she doing. Mostly stuff like that. I finish quickly, and go home trying to forget about her... I mean we haven't even talked!

When I get home it's almost five, and only my sister Ari is home. Immediately I forget about my day at her sweetness."Hey kid sister!" I yell at her, "where's mom?"

"Shopping," she says distracted by the joy of Austin and Ally. Oh the joy, not.

"Did you eat?" I ask.

"I had a snack."

I groan knowing that I need to make dinner. I immediately go in the kitchen, and shove two frozen personal pizzas in the oven. Also, I put Mac & cheese on the stove. "Pig," I hear my sister mumble behind me.

"Hey! I'm a growing boy!" I tell her.

"Are not."

"Am too!"

"Are not."

"Am too."

ARE not!

"Am too."

"ARE NOT!" She said obviously frustrated by her red shade.

"Am too." I say laughing silently.


"Children! What is all this commotion about?" Our mom interrupts.

"Well, he started it!" Ari selling me out.

Smiling wickedly, and knowing I'll rile her up I say, "did not!"

"Did too!"

"That's enough children... is that burning pizza?" She ask sniffing the air.

"Crap!" I yell while turning the oven of, and cooking the Mac. After everything is cooked Ari, and I sit eating burnt pizza while mom makes her own dinner. "So mom how was you day?" I ask.

"Productive. I went to work, got shopping done, and went to the grocery store. Oh! I almost forgot! I found Ari a babysitter."

"Who?" I ask not really caring.

"She's a girl, but oh... what's her name! Hmm... she hangs out with Jessie... slender, gorgeous dark hair, green eyes, and freckles."

"Oh. My. Lord. Did she just describe..." I think.

"Come on who is it? She's in your friend group..." mom rants frustrated with herself. "No freaking way." I thought as she continued to blab about the captivating girl.

Then I whisper the name, "Persephone Finch."

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