Chapter 4: Dinner

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Persephone POV


The ride home was full of a grumbling Sky saying how hangry he was. "Oh stop your whinning," I think, but he still continues on his hungry speech.

"You took FOREVER! And I'm a starved growing boy," Sky keeps talking, but I tune him out, and watch the road. The road is surrounded by cute little houses, and occasionally a person walking by. Mostly, I just watch the clouds, and wonder what it would feel like to touch one. Suddenly Sky angrily pokes my shoulder, and I realize that we're in my driveway. "Well, Sunshine, what's your answer?"

"No?" I answer unsure of what the heck he said.

Wrong answer I think as he glares, and says, "whatever do what you want." Then he hopes out of the car storming into my house like he owned the joint.I sigh, and get the groceries.

Entering the house I see that Sky- as usual- has dumped his jacket on the ground, and I of course follow his action. Slamming the door my mom yells, "hi honey!"

Immediately I make my way towards her voice, in the kitchen/dining room. "Hi mo-"

"Oh my God sweetie! What happened to your face!" She ask.


"That b****, Hannah, chucked a ball at her face!" Sky screams.

"Language! Skyler Joshua Hankins! You better watch your mouth boy!" My mom yells.

"Yes ma'am!" Sky says embarrassed.

Then mom softly says to me, " Hon are you alright?"

"Yeah, I just have a little bruise," I assure her.

"Alright, but tell me if it hurts, and I'll get ibuprofen. Did you get spaghetti?" Mom asks.

"Yeah," I say setting the bag on the counter.

"Okay I'll start making it while you two go play," my mom tells us while shoving us out of the kitchen.

While she cooks Sky, and I play a nasty game of Call of Duty. Screaming in victory, for the fourth time, my mom yells that it's time for dinner. Greedily Sky, and I sprint for food. After we all fix a plate, and sit mom ask, "where's Jessie?"

"Hanging out with Carter, and them," Sky says, not even looking up from his plate. I look at him, and he looks back, and says, "what? She texted me."

"Oh, that's nice she's hanging out with them. So how was your guy's day? Anything new?" Mom questions more.

"Nope. Just that all day I had to use my manly strength to protect Sunshine here," Sky tells her.

"Well, we all know how manly you are due to my daughters face," mom replies bluntly. "What about you Seph?"

"Umm.. Well, nothing awesome happened, but I kind of got a babysitting job," I tell her.

"What? Who?" Sky ask.

"Well that one kid, Hendrix, you know him? In our group? Yahoo well I'm babysitting his sister," I tell them.

"That's great honey!" Mom says. While Sky say, "Hendrix is hot! But not my type."

"Why not?" I ask not caring my mom's here.

"He's too alpha male... you know? In my relationships I prefer to be wearing the pants," Sky answers. "But you should go out with him. You two would be smoking."

"Sky! That's not appropriate! His mom will be my boss!" I gasp at him. "Plus we've never talked!"

"Whatever," is his only reply, and the rest of dinner goes on in a friendly banter between Sky, and mom. However. I think about Hendrix. He sure is cute, I think to myself.

After dinner Sky goes home, and I decide to do my homework. Around seven-thirty my phone rings. "Hello?" I ask.

"Umm.. hi is this Persephone?"

"Yeah this is she," I reply to the unknown voice.

"Oh this is Hendrix' s mom, Shelley. I was wondering when you wanted to start babysitting," she nervously ask.

"Well anytime best for you is best for me," I tell her.

"That's kind sweetie. How about next Tuesday at three thirty to seven thirty?" She ask. Today was Wednesday so that gave me plenty of preparation time for babysitting.

"Sounds perfect ma'am," I tell her.

"Thanks so much Persephone! Lord knows I will appreciate your help!" Shelley tells me.

"Thanks for offering the job Shelley!" I tell her.

"Your welcome sweet pea! I'll talk to you soon!" She says.

"Bye ma'am!"

"Goodbye Persephone."

After hanging up I finish my homework quickly, and go to bed. I lie there, in my bed, and I just stare up at the two glow-in-the-dark stars on my ceiling. I think about school, my new job, and most of all I think about what the little girl will be like... and what Hendrix is like.


Sorry it's short, and a filler chapter! As usual make good choices, be kind to one another, stay in school, and all that jazz!:) love ya people!


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