How You Meet - Raphael

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You ran through the streets, wind blowing through your short brown messy hair. The reason you were running? The Foot Clan was after you since you decided to mess with them. You weaved around the people on the sidewalk trying lose the ninjas.

Even though you were in a lot of danger. You loved the excitement, the wind blowing through your hair and the adrenaline. It was a high that you just loved and couldn't get anywhere else. You turned into an alleyway mistaking it for one of the short cuts you go through and instead found a dead end. You stopped at the wall panting heavily and looked around as the Foot Clan soldiers closed in.

"Come and get it boys." You muttered ready to fight.

Two came at you at the same time and you ducked under then spun around kicking one in the back. And you swiftly grabbed the others wrist flipping him over your shoulder. It was a silent for a brief moment then they slowly came at you but someone or something cut them off.

"Hey! Why don't ya leave her alone and fight me instead." A deep voice said.

They stopped and looked around trying to find out where the voice was. As they were distracted you quickly tackled one to the ground and your 'savior' jumped down and started fighting too but in the shadows, keeping himself hidden. You were holding the goon by his suit and cocked your fist back and punched him. Hard. A 'snap' was heard and you grinned as the ninja passed out, his jaw cracked.

You stood up and looked around noticing that the other ninja were passed out. And the person that took them out was tying them together. Your eyes were wide seeing a giant turtle but you kept your emotions low. "Turtle." You say accidentally blurt out and realized quickly that you did that. He looked over at you with a cold stare and you just stared at him blinking with a bored expression.

"Well aren't you the smart one." He says sarcastically and continues tying the ninja.

You let a huff out and watched him. When you saw one start to wake up you walked past the turtle to the ninja. Making the mutant look up and watch as you punched the ninja knocking him out again. "Stupid ninjas." You mutter running your fingers through your hair, feeling the knots you got from it being messy. He couldn't help but grin slightly watching you.

"Does my hero have a name?" You asked in a slight sarcastic manner leaning against the wall.

"Raphael." He replied.


"What?" He asked looking annoyed. "Nothing." You rolled your eyes slightly. "Bronte." You said to him. And he looked at you confused. "My names Bronte." You said again. He finally finished tying the all the ninjas up and was about to leave before he remembered something. Raphael turned looking at you trying to intimidate you with a glare as he stepped closer.

"If you tell anybody, I'll find you."

You rolled your eyes and waved your hand. "Yeah, yeah. The whole human kind is stupid and doesn't understand things that are different from them so they just experiment and cut things open." You said in a bored tone, he thought it was weird. How you acted like it was something you saw everyday.

He just shook his head and opened the manhole before jumping into the sewers. You scrunched your nose and turned walking out of the alley way thinking about the turtle mutant as you walked home.

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