Break Time

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Percy walked outside to check on Phoebe who was being comforted by Zoe. He walked up to Phoebe and put on her shoulder as she glanced up. "Look, Phoebe, I know your intentions mean well, and I know you've gone through some hard times. I don't blame you at all for acting the way you did. We're putting that in the past. We're good now, and that's what matters. We can't changed what happened in the past, but we can fix them in the present and future," Percy said.

Phoebe nodded, wiping her tears. "You're right, Percy. We should move on, but that doesn't make me any less sorry. I regret my actions, and I wish I could take them back. Zoe's death was NOT your fault at all. It was no one's fault," she said.

"Now come on. Artemis and I are having an archery competition. We want all the Hunters there, including you two," Percy said.

Phoebe and Zoe both grinned and followed Percy. to the arena that was said up for a very complex archery competition. It started off with a simple target and progressed to more complex, further targets, some of which had movement and shields, etc.

Artemis had her bow and arrows, and Percy had his own. bow and arrows. "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to the main event. Percy and Artemis will be having an archery competition to determine which one is the better archer. Will it be Perseus Jackson, the son of Poseidon, Hero of Olympus or Lady Artemis, the goddess of the Hunt, Olympian. Place your bets and may the best man win," Phoebe announced.
Arrow after arrow was fired at the targets. It was a close one, but Artemis was getting a little nervous. She would never live it down if Percy beat her. She had considered cheating, but she wanted it to be an honest competition. Percy and Artemis were in a tie for awhile. That was until Artemis missed.

It wasn't a complete miss, it still hit the target, but it was just far enough to not get her the full points. The competition ended when the last target was hit by both of them. Phoebe gasped at the results. "Well, guys, it appears that Percy Jackson has won the archery competition," she revealed.

Artemis's eyes widened, and Apollo couldn't stop laughing. Percy glanced at Artemis who looked like she just saw Medusa. Poseidon, Hera, Hestia, the Hunters, the campers, Apollo, and Hermes all collected their rewards for betting on Percy.

Artemis grumbled as Percy walked up to her and gave her a kiss before shoving a pie in her face. The goddess of the Hunt felt humiliated and couldn't believe it was true.

After that, they all made their way back to the throne room to finish the next chapter of the book.

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