Chapter 24: Battle for Olympus

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Percy glared at Thalia for a moment before he smiled, happy that his friends had survived another battle.

Percy managed to gather up all the demigods in front of him as they waited for instructions for their next move. Percy was about to speak when the rumbling of footsteps caught his attention. Percy flashed himself to the top of a tree where he could overlook the area. What he saw made him pale incredibly. He could see the original Mount Olympus in the distance. At the base of the mountain was an army of several thousand monsters along with ten giants who seemed to be waiting in anticipation for the battle to come.

Percy flashed back down in front of the gathered demigods.

"The war starts now my friends. An army of monsters and giants await our arrival at the foot of the original Mount Olympus. I need everyone to follow the Athena cabin and their battle plans. The seven from the prophecy will need wait for instructions from their parents when they arrive. Everyone else, prepare yourselves as we will march to battle when the gods arrive." Percy announced before making his way over to Artemis and the hunters.

The throne room all cheered at Perseus's short speech.

When he got there he kissed Artemis passionately before stepping back a few feet. She looked at him confused until ten flashes of light appeared behind Percy.

Zeus stepped forward, "I assume everyone is ready for battle Perseus?"

Percy bowed and nodded, "They are my lord. We are waiting for your orders to begin marching toward the mountain. Ten giants remain along with an army of monsters that is somewhere between three and four thousand."

"We have ten Olympians ready for battle. Each will fight with his or her child from the prophecy while the others will simply pick one of their children to fight alongside them." Zeus said.

Percy nodded, "We should be ready to march within the next thirty minutes. I would suggest the gods or goddesses without a child from the prophecy go and inform whatever child they want to fight alongside them of their orders."

The throne room was filled with silence, but the gods all had looks of pride for their children that were involved in the battle.

Zeus nodded and began issuing orders to different Olympians.

Hera walked up to Percy with a smile, "I may not be fighting by your side Percy but I have a gift to help you in battle." She said before snapping her fingers. Percy's armor was replaced with lightweight pitch black armor. On his chest were the crossed emblems of a trident and a peacock feather. There was an emblem of an open flame was on each side of his helm. His armor was completely pitch black with the exception of the emblems. Sheathed at Percy's waist were two familiar looking hunting knives. Vambraces covered each of the wrists and forearms complete with retractable hidden blades.

Percy looked over his new armor as his smile continued to grow. He looked up at his mother and smiled widely before enveloping her in a hug.

"Thank you Mom." Percy said gratefully.

Hera smiled as Percy released her, "It's from both your Aunt Hestia and I. We may not be out of the battlefield with you but we wanted to do what we could to make sure you were safe. The armor is black but it is actually made of Olympian Silver. It is stronger than both celestial bronze or imperial gold. Nothing should be able to penetrate the armor to even get to your invulnerable skin."

Percy's eyes widened before he smiled again. He took a step forward and kissed his mother softly on the cheek, "Thank you Mom. I love you."

Hera smiled happily at his words, "I love you too Percy. Please be careful out there."

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