Chapter 8: Captured

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Percy awoke the next morning feeling better than he had in a long time. He thought about his talk with Artemis the night before. She had made him feel a lot better about being stuck in the life as a demigod.

"I really don't know how to feel about this," Annabeth said.

"Me neither," Percy said. "This is so weird, but you know I love you, right Annabeth? No matter how this version of me feels, I will always love you."

"Thanks, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said. "I more so can't believe that I of all people, would betray Olympus."

"You aren't a traitor, Annabeth," Perseus said. "Our Annabeth is, you do not share her sins."

"But it's someone I could've been," Annabeth said.

"No," Perseus said. "You couldn't have. And I believe that."

She was right, this was the life he was given and he would do what he could to protect the people that mattered to him. It would do him no good to mope around thinking about the friends he lost. Zoe would have put an arrow in his ass if she knew how much time he spent feeling guilty about her death. No, he would use the power he had to prevent as many people's deaths as he could.

Annabeth smiled at Percy. "Loyal in every universe."

"Indeed," Artemis said smiling at Perseus.

"By the gods, this is so weird," Nico said.

After showering and eating, Percy left his palace and headed toward Hera's. She lived with Zeus; he assumed his uncle knowing about their relationship would make any interaction less awkward. As he walked, Percy continued to think about the night before with Artemis.

Artemis leaned on Perseus's shoulder who wrapped his arm around her. Annabeth looked at them from the corner of her eye, and couldn't help but wonder if their Artemis also has feelings for Percy.

He realized she hadn't been in her twelve year old form that she usually stayed in. In fact, now that he thought about it, she had been in an age similar to him ever since their first talk after he was revealed to the Olympians.

"Probably didn't want to give any pedophelia vibes," Annabeth said. "Would be weird for a grown man to be walking around with a 12 year old, even if she is really 5 Millenia old.

"Tell that to Edward Cullens," Nico muttered.

He wasn't sure why she had done that but he also couldn't get the thought of how beautiful she was in that form out of his head. Percy shook his head, trying to force those thoughts out. She was a maiden goddess while he had swore he would never allow himself to fall in love again. He was happy to be her friend and had no plans to ruin that.

"Oof, friendzoned," Nico laughed, but had to duck from a dagger being thrown above his head. "Kidding!"

Percy reached the palace of Zeus and Hera and was about to walk up to the door when Hestia suddenly appeared in front of him. Percy smiled when he looked at his patron but it quickly vanished when he saw the grim expression on her face.

"What's wrong my lady?" Percy asked.
Hestia looked at him sadly, "There is an emergency council meeting. Your attendance is required."

Both Percys groaned. "There's always emergency council meetings!!"

Percy's eyes widened but he nodded. Hestia grabbed his shoulder and flashed them into the throne room. When Percy looked around, most people had confused expressions on their faces. The only two not in attendance were Hera and Artemis.

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