Chapter 23: Journey to the Original Mount Olympus

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Percy chuckled and petted his old friend's mane, "Thanks buddy; you saved me back there."
"Someone's got to be around to keep you alive boss." Blackjack answered sarcastically.
The hunters and demigods made their way off the damaged ship and over to Percy. Percy turned to his friends before his eyes widened. Two giants stood a hundred yards behind them with an army of monsters behind them.
Percy turned to Blackjack, "Find a shady spot to hang out Blackjack, I promise we'll catch up later."
"Alright boss, but I expect some more sugar cubes later." Blackjack replied before he shot off into the night sky.
Percy pulled out Riptide and uncapped it quickly, drawing the attention of everyone who had just left the damaged Argo II.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Ares chanted.

Artemis whirled around and paled a bit when she saw the two giants, Clytius and Thoon. Artemis immediately became a little worried as she doubted she would be getting any divine help from Olympus as these giants were killed by Hecate and the Fates in the first Giant War.
"Well little demigods, I'm afraid this is the end of line for your little quest. The only two who will survive this fight are going to be the goddess and Jackson. Mother has great plans for you Jackson; you will pay for what you've done to our brothers." Clytius spat.

"In your dreams," Perseus said.

Percy narrowed his eyes. The demigods stood slightly behind him and Artemis along with a few hunters while the rest of the hunters had slipped into trees with their bows ready for the battle to start.
"I've heard the same threat from each of your now dead brothers. Why don't we skip the part where you try to tell me what will happen and get the part where you and your little monster pets get killed by me and my friends." Percy snapped back.
Clytius' eyes widened before a club shot out of the earth and into his hand. He wasted no time in charging at Percy who sent a fireball at the charging giant before disappearing into flames; he reappeared behind the giant with his bow out. Percy pulled back the string and smiled when the arrows caught fire. He quickly sent three arrows into the back of the now confused giant.
The monsters had charged at the same time as the giant and were battling the hunters who stayed out of the trees along with the demigods from the quest. Artemis had grown to her godly height and was battling the giant Thoon, hunting knives to spear.
Clytius roared in pain when the flaming arrows imbedded into his back. He quickly spun and tried to crush Percy underneath his club. Percy rolled to the side before shooting to his feet with Riptide in hand. He charged at Clytius before he could react and drove his blade through the calf of the giant before twisting it and then running off before the giant could attack again.

"YES!" Ares yelled. "Beat the hell out of them!"

Clytius let loose a cry of pain as golden ichor began to pout from his leg. The giant saw Percy sprinting away and quickly lunged forward and snatched Percy in his hand. The giant picked Percy up and started to squeeze him tighter and tighter in his hand. Percy grunted in pain as he tried to concentrate on flashing out but the pain clouded his ability to think straight.
Suddenly the giant's grip loosened as he grunted in pain, allowing Percy to catch fire. The giant quickly released Percy from his now burned hand. Percy dropped to the ground but quickly rolled to his feet only to find Phoebe's spear imbedded in the back of the giant's knee.

Phoebe grinned.

Percy saw Phoebe about to make a run for her spear but the giant was about to bring his club down on her before she reached it. Percy vanished and reappeared in front of Phoebe, tackling her just as the giant's club connected with the spot she had been standing.
Percy shot to his feet with his bow and was about to fire when a giant woman appeared in flash behind the giant, a flaming torch in her hand. Percy's eyes widened before he smiled. He fired several flaming arrows into the giant to keep his attention on him.
The woman, Hecate, let loose a blast of energy into the giant's back causing him to be knocked roughly to the ground. Percy pulled out a flaming Riptide and walked to the stunned giant. Without a second's hesitation he drove the blade into the chest of Clytius. The giant roared in pain but his screaming only doubled when Hecate tossed a flaming torch onto his wounded body. The fire spread as if the giant were covered in gasoline, quickly engulfing the his body.
Clytius screamed in agony before he stopped suddenly and dissolved into golden dust. Percy snatched up Phoebe's spear and turned to a now human sized Hecate.

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