Chapter 11: Love?

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Everyone stood up to stretch their legs before taking their seats back.


Percy put a hand on Artemis' shoulder and flashed both of them out of Camp Jupiter and the state of California all together. They reappeared in the clearing of a dense forest. The moon shone brightly in the sky, illuminating the clearing well enough to see.

"That sounds really gorgeous," Hermione said.

"It was," Perseus said. "It's one of my top favorite places to go."

Artemis whirled around with a hunting knife in hand, ready to kill whoever had the nerve to take her away from her hunters without her consent.

"Sorry," Perseus said. "Please don't kill me."

"I won't. But if you do it again, I just might," Artemis said. "No promises."

"Well good because I can't promise that I won't do it again," Perseus chuckled.

Her blade was met with another as Percy knew this was most likely coming. When she noticed it was Percy she sheathed her knife but still glared at him.

"Sorry Artemis, I just wanted to talk and things were kind of crowded in Camp Jupiter." Percy said as he held his hands up in front of him.

Artemis nodded as she too wanted to talk to Percy.

"And kiss him, and make out," Aphrodite mocked, but stopped as Artemis held a dagger to her throat and smirked. "The truth hurts."

Artemis rolled her eyes and lowered her dagger.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Artemis asked as casually as she could.

Percy sighed and sat down in the grass. He motioned for Artemis to join him, which she did after hesitating for a second.

"About last night Artemis..." Percy started but was interrupted by Artemis.

"It was a good time," Aphrodite finished. "But it would be better if it was with another prettier goddess."

"There's no such goddess in existence other than perhaps my mother, and I don't plan to sleep with her," Perseus said.

Aphrodite opened her mouth to retort, but shut it as she saw the death stares she was getting.

"It's fine Percy. It was a mistake and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that even if it was the only way to calm you down." Artemis explained.

"Stirring the pot of love," Aphrodite hummed. "The boss is on a roll."

Everyone decided to ignore Aphrodite.

Percy stared at her for a minute before speaking, "No, actually I'm sorry Artemis. Everything you said to me was right. I tried to come back to Olympus to find you but Lady Hestia sent me to Seattle to rescue Nico and the other two from the Amazons."

Artemis' eyes widened slightly, she felt happy that he had tried to come find her but she also began to suddenly get very nervous.

"I won't say I'm in love," Aphrodite sang.

"Shut it, Mickey Mouse," Artemis hissed, blushing as Aphrodite simply winked at her with a smirk.

"Go on and kiss the girl," Aphrodite whispered to Perseus with a smile.

Perseus did as Aphrodite commanded, and kissed Artemis on the lips causing many to wolf whistle and cat call.

When she had kissed Percy it was on impulse just like her little rant afterword.

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