Chapter 3: The Council

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The man snapped his fingers revealing an all too familiar demigod. Poseidon tackled the demigod and hugged him tightly. "Dad, I can't breathe," Percy wheezed.

"Sorry," Poseidon muttered letting Percy go.

"How the Hades did you tie with me?" Artemis asked.

"Stop using my name, use Zeus's, Tartarus's, or someone else's, but not mine!" Hades whined.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out," Percy smirked. "Now, who's reading?"

"I will," Hera said taking the book from her son.

Chapter 3: The Council

Artemis gasped, "Perseus?"

"The one and only," Percy grinned.

The council stared at the son of Poseidon in shocked silence. It was broken by a teary eyed sea god bounding off his throne and grabbing his son in a tight embrace.

"Where have you been Percy?" Poseidon asked as he held on to his son as if he were about to disappear.

"Now that would be telling, and one must never tell," Percy smirked.

Percy looked at his father sadly, "Traveling. I needed some time to clear my head after everything that happened."

"Looks like, you don't agree with yourself," Hera said.

Percy just shrugged.

Poseidon looked at his son worriedly. Percy didn't have any of the happiness that used to be easily seen in his features. Despite his worry, Poseidon was just grateful to know that his son was safe and back in front of him.

Percy grinned widely. It had felt good seeing his father for the first time in five years.

Zeus cleared his throat behind the reunited son and father.

"Perseus, I believe we have some questions for you." Zeus asked as he looked between his wife and the demigod suspiciously.

Percy nodded, knowing this would be a long council meeting.

"How is that you have become my wife's champion, along with Hestia's? Zeus asked suspiciously.

"Because I'm awesome that way," Percy replied.

The demigods rolled their eyes at Percy.

Hera rolled her eyes at her husband's paranoia. As if he had the right to question her relationship with a man.

Percy's eyes darkened and they glowed with a brownish light that unsettled a number of gods and goddesses.

"I owe her and Hestia my life. Without them, I would be in Tartarus at the moment." Percy said coldly.

"What? What are you talking about Percy?" Poseidon demanded as he looked at Hera suspiciously.

"Just wait a second, Poseidon," Hera said.

"What? What are you talking about Percy?" Poseidon demanded as he looked at Hera suspiciously.

"Looks like you don't change much over the past four years," Hades said.

Poseidon smiled sheepishly

Percy shook his head, "After I left Camp Half Blood, I was planning on traveling for a while, just hunting monsters to blow off some of my anger. Before I left, I went to visit my mother." Percy explained as his body tensed. His eyes caught fire and most of the Olympians jumped back in shock. Hera and Hestia quickly made their way over to Percy. Hera put a hand on his shoulder and whispered soothing words in his ear while Hestia held his hand comfortingly. The Olympians stared at the interaction between the three with wide eyes.

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