Chapter Five | Time to toughen up

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As I sat in English, I gazed out the window into the vibrant blue sky as Miss babbled on about an upcoming project.

I was excited. But my excitement soon faded into a big black hole; never to be seen or heard of again once we got told we were going to be partnered up and to make and to make it 10x worse, the we were going to be partnered up boy-girl. Fuck.

Scanning the room of students that sit beyond her, she began pairing people up.

"Tom and Melissa, Harry and Megan, Matt and Cara, Will and Vanessa, Zack and Tegan, Justin and umm..." She scanned the room, soon focusing on me. No no shit no. I flushed crimson as I continued to curse myself. Her eyes soon vanished and looked back at Justin. "Um, Kayla" You don't understand how fucking happy this made me.

Having been the last one in the class to be paired up, I was with Ollie Johnson; one of Justin's friends.

This guy has thrown punches and all sorts of violence at me. Justin wasn't particular happy that he didn't get me, but he seemed glad Ollie had me instead. He was out to get me. They were out to get me.

"So in this project, you will have to get to know one another and do a presentation at the end. This does mean you have to spend a lot of time with each other and see them after school at each other's houses." She continued explaining to the class while I carried on cursing myself.

How was I suppose to bring him back to my house? I couldn't. I'm not going to. What would happen if I did? He'd tell Justin and I'd be known as the 'poor' girl.

Well, I may not have the money that some people have, but I did have a bit from Joe's job. Joe worked his ass off everyday just for the tiny bit of money that he got out of it. Mum obviously didn't know about this, she would of otherwise robbed us and spent it on pot. No way was that going to happen. Joe and I have needs: food, water, clothes and obviously make up.

Since Joe has got this job, it's reduced the amount we have stolen. Mum had taught us from a young age but strictly told us not to get caught. If we were ever caught it was over. Simple.

Over time, we have reduced the chance of getting a criminal record. This is good for both of our futures meaning we can get a job easier and provide our families with a healthy and privileged life; not like ours.

Drifting out of my train of thoughts, I notice Ollie staring at me but soon looking back towards the front.


Once the bell rang, I was happy I had ICT. Away from Justin, finally. But sadly, Ollie and his twin brother Liam was in it. Urgh.

Slumping down in my chair before I logged on to my account, I overheard the twins talking.

"So, who are you pairs with in the English project?" Liam asked curiously, crashing down onto his chair.

"Ella Michaels" Ollie smirked, taking a glimpse at me.

They both smirked and giggled like teenage girls before they signed onto the computers.

I knew the next 2 weeks weren't going to be fun.


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