Chapter Two | Perfect..or was it?

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I wandered up the brick driveway, gaping at my surroundings. I approached the large golden gates, carefully gripping onto one of the oddly shaped steel bars as I peered through to see what was in the distance. I was amazed. 

Water flowed from the most perfect stone water fountain splashing into the water below causing ripples to form within the mini-pool that was encircled with neatly trimmed green bushes; the pinkest rose petals laced within.  

Behind the water fountain rest a beautiful house; one like you see in the movies.  

Grand steps leading up to the magnificent brown wooden door with crystal clear windows each side that the sun streamed through. 

Looking in, you could tell the house was modern with glossy marbled flooring and a tremendous gold-rimmed oak staircase.

It was perfect.  

Everything seemed well kept, not one speck on the windows nor one leaf out of place on the plants. The immaculate lawn was emerald green and almost looked too perfect to touch. A birdbath sat within with two birds chirping gracefully either side.  

The sun beamed down from the blue arena of air above. 

Is this heaven?  

I made out a voice calling my name.


I whipped my head around, ready to see a figure standing there upon me but there was no one.

  Confusion hit me as I stood on my own in the most perfect of places. I took one more look at my surroundings before hearing that very voice call out my name again - this time clearer.  

Still no one stood beyond me.  


As I adjusted my eyes, I caught a glimpse of Joe. Concern etched upon his face as he looked down at me. His worry soon turned to relief as he threw his arms around me, drawing me into a hug; one of the biggest I have ever encountered.

"Why did you do that to me, Ella? You worried the shit out of me sweetie." He whispered against my neck, still gripping me.    

We were seated on the bathroom floor, drenched in water. Oh no oh my God no. I was naked. Hastily reaching for a towel, Joe cut me short.

"Ella, don't worry, it's fine. You are my sister." He spoke, not taking his gaze off my eyes.

"And you're my 20-year-old brother and this is wrong." I claimed, reaching for a towel.

I knew I was right with this, he partially knew too but he was the sort of guy that didn't mind.


As I perched myself in bed, I encountered my day. It involved a couple of beatings and many foul comments. I really couldn't take it anymore and I finally broke this evening, considering suicide. My attempt failed, unfortunately but I'm kind of glad Joe saved me. I could have died. It was so serious, what was I thinking? Joe might not have been able to revive me. I could have been found, dead. He wouldn't have even been able to call the ambulance either. Once they would have arrived at this dump, mum would have been arrested and caused Joe to end up in an ambulance as well. It was the way we were raised. Commit crime but never get caught. That was our life. How do we survive in this state? Life is too tough to handle, I needed to get away earlier today.

I just wanted everything bad to end but it never will.  

I should be living a good, healthy life at the age of 16 but this is not what a life should involve.

I wish I was never born. This statement is agreed by my mum. She regrets every inch of me, she only wanted the sex - not the baby that came with it. 

The lady that 'hardly brought me up' was a crack-whore alcoholic that had the messiest life known to man.  

Our house is a walk-in-walk-out place to her and her many guys. All she wants is sex, drugs, money and alcohol and that's it. Not Joe or I.  

I never want to be like her, I hope I am the total opposite to be honest.

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