Chapter Eight | "Are you jealous?"

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"What the fuck, man?" Justin scoffed, pacing towards us. "What didn't you get about leaving her alone?"

Ollie looked at the ground, trying to avoid the question.

"Answer me, dipshit!" He urged, waiting curiously as he slouched against the school locker.

"Ur...well, how the fuck do you think we are supposed to do this project?" Ollie questioned, shrugging his shoulders.

"Fuck the homework, mate. You didn't give a shit about doing homework before and then this project came around and you basically have yourself at her feet, praising her." He edged towards me, but Ollie automatically stepped in front, protecting me.

"Leave her out of this, Justin. You don't know what she puts up with! She goes through so much crap every single fucking day of her life! You really need to get to know her before you judge her too. This has been going on for two years now and it needs to stop! You are such a twat to her and-"

"Do you know who the fuck you are talking to? I run this town, not you! I could get you killed." Justin interrupted. "just like that..." he motioned with a click of his fingers.

I gasped at what I was hearing, I obviously knew he was over exaggerating, but you never really know around here; you never knew with Justin.

"Yeah, so keep your hands off of her!" Justin suggested, his jaw hardening.

"Why are you telling me this now?" Ollie laughed. "You wanted me to put my hands all over her the other day; you wanted me to make sure I abused her whenever I felt like it. What's your problem now, Justin? You got a soft spot for her? Are you jealous?"

"What the fuck did you say?" Justin roared, raising his fist. "Get the fuck out of my face for your own safety if you don't want me to batter you!"

Ollie grabbed my hand quickly, pulling me out of danger and off up the corridor. Justin's fist collided with the nearest locker to him, echoing down the hallway causing everyone to turn in the direction of him.

"Ollie, he scares the fuck out of me! How can you handle that every day?"

"I know, I know." He bit the skin of his bottom lip and he concentrated on my features. "Don't worry, baby! I will try keep you safe." Ollie promised, looking into my eyes.

"Ollie, no. I can't do this! Did you not hear him back there? I'm not letting you risk yourself in order to talk or protect" I shook my head, turning away.

"Hey, I've known Justin for years now. I know him and I know he's tough to get past but I will make this stop! It has to." He urged, gripping my chin.

"No, I'm not breaking your friendship up over this - over me." I emphasised, placing my hand on my chest.

"What friendship, Ella?" Ollie chuckled slightly.

"The one you have had over the past few years, the one that was in the picture way before this project!" I announced, stating the obvious.

"Ella, listen-"

"I'm not having it!" I interrupted, continuing to shake my head softly.

"This is me protecting you-"

"And this is me protecting you." I commanded, seriously.

A sigh emitted from Ollie's lips, as he was in deep thought of what to say next to me. I wasn't having it.

"Suit yourself then." he snarled. "Talk to you soon!" He walked off to class, abandoning me in the hallway.

I looked around the hall warily as I hugged myself.

People pushed and shoved through the crowded hallways in every direction. No one seemed to care enough to look at me as I scanned their faces. I smiled a little as a couple play fought down the hallway, laughing hysterically, I spotted another couple flirting as they leant against a locker. My eyes continued to gaze at the different cliques of people set in different places down the hallway when my smile soon dropped as I noticed a pair of eyes staring right back at me. Justin's eyes.

Walking off immediately in the opposite way, I cursed repeatable in my head.

What the fuck have I got myself into? What have I brought upon Ollie? I'm such a fucking bitch.

Tears started to pinch the back of my eyes as they filled up, the salty liquid ready to start escaping from the pools formed within my eyes.

Fucking hell, I can't do this anymore. I cried to myself.

Someone's going to get seriously hurt if this carries; someone that isn't me.

I headed straight for the girl's bathroom, rushing into the first cubicle I saw.

Making sure my face was directly over the toilet, I started to vomit.

My tears uncontrollably started to drop from my eyes, splattering into the dirty liquid beneath me that was a mixture of toilet water and sick.

Slumping back against the wall of the cubicle, I sat and cried as I forced a chewing gum into my mouth.

I hated this.

I didn't know what to do as negative thoughts swarmed my head.

I sat in deep thought as droplets of mascara and water skidded down my face, landing on my clothing.

Justin scared me so much. I know I'm used to it, but doesn't mean that I'm not frightened about it.

Ollie on the other hand helps me feel safe. I used to hate him but during this project, he's something different. We have had a few arguments, but what he said the other day changed my thoughts on him a lot.

Without a group of people controlling him, he's a great guy. I wonder how nice the rest of the gang are without Justin and their gang-mates influencing them to do bad.

I would like to get to know them all but maybe they're not like Ollie, maybe they're they don't have a nice side but I'd like to try.

What I also like about Ollie is how he's coming out of his shell and standing up to Justin for once; someone needs to.

Justin is an evil coward that thinks that he can control everyone and everything that happens around him. Even without his 'crew' he'd still be able to stand on his own. He's independent and capable of a lot of stuff.


Sobbing my thoughts away, I soon got up from the floor and headed home - missing the rest of the day off school.

I didn't want to stay. I couldn't stay.

The way Justin was acting really weird and I didn't know how to handle it.

No one was home - the usual.

I walked into the kitchen, fixing up a sandwich and grabbing a glass of water, and then strolled up the stairs to my room.

I discarded of my bag, shoving it in the corner of the room and propped myself on my bed, beginning to eat.

I wasn't really that hungry but as my stomach was empty, I thought it was the best thing to do.

Soon outstretching myself on my bed, I decided falling asleep was the most sensible thing to do to get rid of my throbbing headache.

Today was a shit day. I thought I was happily going to go in, talk to Ollie and suprise him with my new phone, get my lessons over and done with and that was it. But no, it turned out shit with Justin threatening him, leaving me and Ollie is a shit situation.

Justin leaving me alone for once would be a miracle. But that miracle would never happen. What he was doing to me was so unbearable.

I just wish he would dramatically change overnight somehow.

Imagine him walking into English and saying "hey!", smiling and walking down to the front and getting on with his mates. Imagine him just having a normal conversation, without the insults and nicknames; if only.

Joe would soon be home to make me happy, but until then I needed to get some rest.


I was soon awoken by my phone buzzing in my pocket.

I removed it, seeing the screen illuminated with and unknown number on the screen and a message just below.

"Are you okay? I heard you being sick in the toilets."

I was automatically confused on who it might be as it wasn't a recognised number and it didn't evem say a name at the bottom of the message. I started to type a reply, suggesting the first person that came to mind.


I set my phone down on my bed as I began rubbing my eyes, trying to succeed at waking myself up a little. My mood was groggy and I felt like I haven't showered in ages.

My phone illuminated again causing my eyes to flicker to it immediately.

My mouth automatically parted as I saw the next message.

"No, it's Justin"


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