1)The Good, The Bad, and The Worse

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~Monsters don't dwell under beds. True monsters, live in a much scarier place. Inside of our heads." ~Unknown

"Going to Hell" by The Pretty Reckless

The steady beat of music provided a smooth rhythm on the dance floor. Young adults swayed their hips, gently dancing with one another in the dim multi-colored lighting. A seventeen-year-old high school senior shouldn't have been attending an all-night college club, but Alyssa Ross hadn't a care in the world. She wanted the escape; she wanted to lose herself in a heavy flow of alcohol and the beats of the latest top twenty hits playing on the clubs' loudspeakers. If just for one night, she didn't want to remember anything about how bad her life had gotten.

Shaking her flyaway hair and swaying her hips in a circular motion, the girl hadn't noticed she was being watched by the man with the haunting dark eyes. Alyssa was so distracted with getting lost in the rhythm of the beat that she was oblivious to the many lustful eyes of watching college guys. Being so distracted; she hadn't noticed the dark-eyed stranger watching her most of the night. She also didn't notice when he slowly advanced before he firmly laid his hands on her dancing hips.

"You seem a little young to be partying here." A voice, deep but as rich as cream had whispered into her earlobe before his lips gently brushed against it.

Spinning around; Alyssa grinned upon seeing the handsome intruder. "You seem to have me pegged as someone who cares for your opinion," she responded before grinding her hips against his.

"Touché, sweetling." The young man chuckled, taking her hand before spinning her on the dance floor. The night passed by in a heavy blur of colorful drinks and too-loud of music. The good-looking stranger was hell-bent on making sure Alyssa never left his sight. Each small movement he made just became more possessive. The gentle touches of her forearm - the close embraces - the too-close way he danced with her. It was a silent way of marking his territory; a way for all the lustful males around to know fully well she belonged to him and him alone. All the man's movements and touches made her feel wanted. It was for this reason alone that Alyssa threw all logic and common sense out the window. It was why she followed the handsome stranger back to his apartment. It was the reason she gave in to the crazy will that night to lose her virginity to the absolute perfect stranger.

"You are mine and mine alone...do you understand?" The silky voice whispered into her ear after they shared a steamy night of passion.


Alyssa was startled awake. Cold droplets of sweat beads slipped down her neck. Breathing faster than normal, she sat up in bed, staring at the opposing wall with a frightened expression. Nirvana and Bowie posters were taped on the far side of the wall, decorative and colorful posters that clashed with her sky- blue walls of her room. The posters provided proof that she was safe and sound in her apartment.

Five years on her first and only one-night stand still affected Alyssa. Granted, since the only time Alyssa ever thought about the man was during a nightmare; it wasn't a pleasant effect.

That was where the handsome stranger with the too brown of eyes popped up in; her nightmares. He never did anything to her that night besides providing gentle love bites, but that didn't matter. It was the way he spoke to her, the authority in his tone. It was the possessive way he touched her that frightened Alyssa more than anything.

Rubbing her neck, Alyssa realized the nightmare only occurred when she got herself overly intoxicated. It wasn't too often of an occasion; getting wasted only really happened after a large party. Maybe that was the reason Alyssa didn't have the dream of the handsome stranger any other night.

The night she had been with the man she had been completely drunk and all too willing for something naughty to happen. It was rubbing her weary eyes that caused Alyssa to realize she probably smeared the eyeliner and glittery eyeshadow she had coated her face with the night before.

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