8) Lack of Evidence

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"Pumped up Kicks" by Foster the People


Alyssa decided to delay her return to Texas for school the following week, citing a family emergency to her teachers. Given her spotless attendance record, they were understanding and accommodating. Alyssa just couldn't bring herself to resume normalcy. How could she, when Cassi had suddenly vanished, becoming nothing more than a memory?

Cory stayed with Alyssa at her parents' house, preparing to drive back to Dallas later in the day with the necklace stained with blood and Alyssa's hair sample. Knowing Sebastian at the crime lab was swamped, they faced a wait of at least a month for results—a frustrating setback, but there seemed no viable alternative. Alyssa believed her best course of action was to present her evidence to her parents. In her mind, it was compelling enough to prove something terrible had occurred—that Cassi hadn't simply run away. With this evidence, she felt justified in going to the police. However, her attempts proved futile. Martin Stern, the sheriff of Falls Creek and aware of the gossip surrounding Cassi's disappearance, refused to classify her as a missing person. Even Alyssa's own parents doubted her.
"So, you're suggesting the Sterns and Ben Fallon are responsible for Cassi leaving?" Madison questioned skeptically; her doubt thinly veiled. Cory sat nearby on the couch, his head buried in his knees, either asleep or hiding his frustration at Madison's comments. Alyssa struggled to keep her composure.

"The blood on Cassi's necklace is being sent to a crime lab in Dallas. They'll compare it against my DNA to determine if it's hers—" Alyssa began, but Henry Ross interrupted, his expression incredulous.

"I'm sorry, a crime lab? You're telling us you used illegal tracking software and are involved in illegal activities with crime labs, risking jail time when—" Henry started, clearly concerned.

"Dammit! You're missing the point," Alyssa snapped impatiently, inwardly frustrated with her parents. "She's NOT with Tyler. Don't you see? Her phone is pinging from a different location, and—"

"And is it true your friend threatened Ben at his house yesterday?" Madison interjected; her disapproval evident.

"I... what?" Alyssa was caught off guard, and Cory's head snapped up, giving her a questioning look.

"Delores called," Henry said sternly. "She explained how you and two others went to her house and your friend threatened Ben—"

"She actually told on us?" Alyssa almost chuckled at the absurdity. She was twenty-two, the same age her mother had been when she was pregnant with her. Her parents couldn't exactly punish her for doing something they disapproved of.

"Is it true?" Madison pressed.

"Yeah, it's true," Alyssa admitted with a shrug. "What part of 'there's something going on' are you guys not getting?"

"Because you've been known to lie," Madison pointed out. "How many times have you lied to us over the years? Breaking curfew, sneaking out, smoking, drinking, breaking and entering... And I still don't understand how you managed that senior prank, putting Principal Vermose's motorcycle in a tree!"

Cory perked up at the mention of the prank, shooting Alyssa a raised eyebrow. She hadn't shared that story with him before.

Under different circumstances, Alyssa might have smiled at the memory of the principal's motorcycle in the tree. It had been her finest act of rebellion yet, a personal vendetta against Principal Vermose for giving her detention after she slapped a football player who had groped her in the lunch line. But now wasn't the time for nostalgia.

"You know Vermose was out to get me!" Alyssa retorted hastily, gesturing for Cory to look away. "This is about Cassi... Cassi! She wouldn't just run off with graduation approaching this spring—"

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