9)What's in the freezer...?

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"Silent Night" Horror version

"You know, your parents suck," Cory admitted as they pulled up outside a house, finally acknowledging the confrontation with Alyssa's parents the night before.

"Now you know what the majority of my childhood was like," Alyssa replied wearily. It was typical for her parents not to believe that the wealthy Sterns could be involved in Cassi's disappearance. In a small town like Falls Creek, everyone knew everyone, especially the wealthy and charitable like the Sterns. They were revered by the community, which made it even harder for Alyssa to convince her parents otherwise.

Alyssa personally felt the wealthy Sterns were overcompensating for something. Their public image of generosity and affluence made her task akin to convincing her parents that Santa Claus was a child predator.

Luke leaned forward from the backseat, surveying the rundown farmhouse with multiple No Trespassing signs. "I thought you said the Sterns are rich—"

"If we pull up to their front gate, their cameras will spot us," Alyssa explained as she got out of the car with Sneakers on a leash.

"Uh, Ally... won't they have other cameras on their property?" Cory frowned, following Alyssa through the forest.

"Supposedly, they have no other cameras. At least, that's what they told my parents, "she said dryly, using Cassi's shirt to stimulate Sneakers' tracking abilities. "C'mon Sneakers... do your magic."

"Why would you name your dog Sneakers?" Luke interrupted, looking annoyed as Sneakers tried to lick his ankle.

"I thought you were a good judge of character," Alyssa muttered to the dog, who wagged his tail happily. Turning back to Luke, she sighed. "Because he chewed through three pairs of my good sneakers. His name used to be Snoopy."

The effect of placing Cassi's shirt in front of Sneakers was immediate. The beagle mix darted off, leading Alyssa and the others through the forest. After a few minutes of running, Sneakers circled a large, familiar tree. Smirking, Alyssa pointed up. "This is where I found Cassi's necklace. Sneakers can obviously smell her... Luke, give me your brother's shirt."

Doing as he was told; Luke brandished a dirty t-shirt to hang in front of Sneaker's nose. "Will this work?"

"Dunno," Alyssa answered. "He knows Cassi by smell, I'm not sure if giving him an unfamiliar scent will work."

As Sneakers pulled Alyssa along on his extendable leash, running with an urgency that surpassed his previous efforts, Alyssa found herself covering more ground than before. Luke and Cory struggled to keep up, but eventually caught up as Alyssa halted at the edge of the forest, peering out over the expansive backyard of the Sterns' estate. Despite their protests, Alyssa jogged on with Sneakers, her curiosity piqued by what could be driving the dog so intensely.

The Sterns' backyard was sprawling and well-appointed, with jungle gyms, a gazebo, a tennis court, and even an above-ground pool dotting the landscape. As they moved deeper into the yard, Sneakers guided Alyssa towards a familiar spot. It was here that Alyssa had previously noticed a maroon stain in the grass—a stain that resembled blood. But now, to her dismay, the spot had been dug up, and any trace of blood was conspicuously absent. It was as if someone had meticulously removed all evidence.

Alyssa grimaced at the sight, her mind racing with possibilities. "They've cleaned it up," she muttered under her breath, her voice tinged with frustration and disbelief. She knelt down, examining the disturbed earth where the stain had once been. There was nothing left to indicate what might have happened there.
Luke and Cory quickly joined Alyssa as she stared at the newly dug hole with wide eyes. Sneakers circled the spot before flopping down heavily, panting heavily as if exhausted from his efforts. It was clear he had found what he was searching for.

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