Chapter 7

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Katlyn’s POV

Harry and I walked down the stairs hand-in-hand and sat down at the table. El looked at us with a questioning look and we just shook our heads, she seemed….relieved. “Well guys, it’s been nice staying but I have to get Dani to work.” Liam said then added “Happy Birthday Katlyn.” I blushed and buried my face in Harry’s shirt. Liam coughed and said, “That means all of us except of El and Lou have to leave, I’m the one giving you two a ride.” He said looking at Zayn and Niall. They nodded and Niall grabbed another cinnamon roll on his way out. Louis looked at Eleanor and said, “We should get you going too, you have to go to work too.” El nodded and said, “I’ll be out in a second, go warm up the car love.” Louis nodded and pecked her on the cheek. When everyone else had left she turned to look at us and said, “Be more careful please? I don’t think management wants a mini Harry running around just yet.” We sighed and nodded. “I know El, and I promise that he’ll use a rubber next time.” Harry smirked and whispered in my ear, “You’d love to do that, now wouldn’t you love.” I blushed and El chuckled and said, “I’ll see you two later.”

She left and Harry and I ate in silence. “Do you want to go ice staking?” “Yes!” I said as I jumped up. Harry chuckled and cleaned up the kitchen. I grabbed my phone, Harry's hand, and we headed out to the car. When we pulled up to the rink Harry put on his beanie and his raybans. Harry opened my door for me, and took my hand. As he led me over to the skate rental desk I felt like someone was watching me. I looked around then shook my head. Harry leaned down in my ear and whispered, “Stop worrying, everything is fine. I promise.” He kissed the side of my head and we rented our skates. I laced mine up and took off on the rink. I passed Harry three or four times before I stopped and took his hand. “Let me help you.” He frowned and said, “I can do this.” I let go of his hand and he fell on his bum. I leaned down and asked; “Are you sure?” he smiled and said, “Nope.” I laughed and helped him up. “Harold Edward Styles, what am I going to do about you?” He smiled and wrapped his arms around me. I rested my hands on his chest, and smiled. “Katlyn, you are going to put up with me for as long as we both live.” He pulled me over to a bench and made me sit down.

He got down on one knee and I covered my mouth with my hands. “Katlyn Smith, I Harry Edward Styles, promise to love you for as long as I’m around; for as long as you’ll have me around; I promise to never cheat on you, to never forget you, and most importantly: to love you forever.” He handed me a ring and I slid it on my finger. He stood up and I threw my arms around his neck. “Thank you Harry, I love it.” He rested his forehead against mine and said, “Not as much as I love you.” I smiled and said, “I love you too; forever and always.” He leaned in and kissed me. It was sweet, and short. I pulled away and said, “I’ll be right back, I need a drink.” I pecked his lips and skated towards the drinking fountain.

???’S POV

I watched as Katlyn pecked Harry on the lips and headed this way. I backed into the shadows and as she walked by I reached out and slammed my hand over her mouth then pulled her into the shadows with me. “I want you to listen and listen well, I’m going to get what I want, or you will suffer. Now, you are going to go tell Harry that you don’t feel well and are going to go home. You’re going to come out to my car and we’re going to do what I want to do with you, and if you don’t I will kill him and your father.” I slammed my lips down onto hers and slid my hand up her dress. She tried to resist and I said, “Remember what I said, Harry and your father.” She stopped struggling but wouldn’t kiss me back. That wasn’t a problem, the problem happen when Harry showed up.

Harry’s POV

Katlyn had been gone a while for getting a drink of water. I walked towards the drinking fountain and slid my skates off. I put my shoes back on and turned my skates and Katlyn’s in. As I got towards the drinking fountain I heard, “Remember what I said, Harry and your father.” I turned towards the voice and saw Katlyn being kissed against her will, I pulled the guy off of her and hit him, and he was knocked out for a few. “Babe?” I asked and she ran towards me. I pulled her close and she held onto me. “He was going to rape me, and if I resisted he was going to kill you and daddy.” I rocked her and kissed her forehead. She sobbed into my shirt for a while. She pulled away and I pushed her behind me just as the guy’s fist connected with my face. “You are such an arse!” I yelled as I hit him back multiple times. The guy stumbled back and I turned towards Katlyn and he hit me, really hard. I fell to the ground and Katlyn told the guy to get lost if he wanted to survive. I heard footsteps and after a while I heard sirens. “Harry! Please get up.” My face got wet and I realized that Katlyn was crying and yelling for me to get up. She slipped her hand into mine as I was placed onto a stretcher; I squeezed her hand and said, “I love you Katlyn.” “I love you too.” That was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

Katlyn’s POV

I held Harry’s hand the entire way to the hospital; calling Niall to have him, the boys and Simon meet me there. By the time we got there Harry had lost a ton of blood. They rushed him towards and ER room and before they went in a nurse stopped me and said, “I’m sorry miss, but you can’t come in here.” I turned away and ran into a pair of green pumas. Niall pulled me over to a bench and we sat down. I buried my face in his shoulder and told him everything that had happened. He rocked me and stroked my hair, I heard the others and Simon come over and Niall start to explain everything before I fell asleep. When I woke up Harry was laying down in a bed with a blood I.V. in one arm and a morphine I.V. in the other. Niall came over and just sat down next to me. “Niall, what’s going on?” I asked, only because he looked like he was arguing with himself. “Harry lost a lot of blood, he’s already been in a coma for about four hours, they don’t know how much longer he’ll be out.” I nodded and said, “Now we wait.” He nodded and said, “We wait.” 

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