Chapter 5

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I am so sorry you guys that I haven't been updating more. But right now I'm trying to balance school, track, and my home life! Trying to be a normal person is so hard anymore. I'm always busy trying to please my friends and my parents at the same time and it's just so hard. UGH! Sorry if any of you start getting impatient with me. I am trying my hardest but I just started online health and so I have one more class than anyone else at my school this year. My life=OVERBOOKED! Any way. Enjoy the video on the side. It's a cover version of 'What Makes You Beautiful' by the boys but a guy name Tyler Ward sings the song. It's just amazing. It's an acoustic version and his music video to go with it is amazing! My cousin knows the guy so, yeah. GOOD BYE MY LOVELY CUPCAKES and sorry for my little rant at the top!


Katlyn's POV 

Harry was trying to get up without waking me up, I rolled over and looked up at him. His eyes were beautiful at this time of day. "Morning love." he said as he leaned down and kissed my forehead.  "Morning Harry." I said through my yawn. He laughed and said, "Be ready to leave in 20 minutes, I'm taking you to see your father." He climbed out of the bed and went into my bathroom to shower, taking his clothes with him. I got up and opened my closet. I grabbed my red tank top with the flower on the left strap and put it on with my black skinny jeans and my red pumps. I grabbed my bracelets and put them on. Harry came out of the bathroom in his fitted white tee and chinos. I went over to my vanity and did my hair and make-up. I stood up and turned around, grabbing my phone, my keys, and my purse. Harry stood at the bottom of the stairs. I started down the steps and tripped on the last one. I landed on my bum and tried to stand up, wincing in pain. Harry hurried over, picked me up and set me down on the couch. "Give me your shoes, I'll be right back." I took off my left shoe and tried to take off the right one but it took longer than I thought it would. He took the steps two at time and came back with my red flats. I slipped them on and he picked me. "Harry! I can hop. This is ridiculous." He looked at me and shook his head. "You're my girlfriend, so therefore I'm going to carry you if I want to." I shook my head and sighed in defeat. He set me down in the car and went around and got in. I turned on the radio and Harry and I sang along.


We pulled up to the hospital and Harry jumped out and ran around to my side of the car. He picked me up and shut and locked the car. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder. He carried me into the emergency room and set me down in a chair, "I'll go get the paperwork." I nodded and looked around the waiting the room, only to stiffen when I saw my ex, David. He and I had dated for about two weeks, while Harry was on tour. During that time all he did was abuse me. I started to wear sweaters so that it would cover up my bruises. I had a scar on my stomach and I was surprised that Harry hadn't seen it yet. Harry came back over and handed me the paperwork, I filled it out quickly and handed the clipboard back to Harry. I had started shaking and was clenching my fists to keep Harry from noticing, he got out of his chair and crouched down in front of me. "Katlyn, love, tell me what's wrong." I shook my head and smiled, "It's nothing Haz, I promise." He frowned and said, "You're lying, I know my best friend better than this. What. Is. Wrong?" his eyes were showing that he was worried so I gave up and said, "While you were on tour I started to date this guy, and he umm, well he abused me. I thought that he loved me, then he...he cheated on me and then tried to fix it. But I left him and he came to my house and hit me. In the stomach." My tears spilled over and Harry wiped them away. "But why are you upset over this now love?" he asked and I sighed. "Because David's here." Harry's worry turned to anger and he stood up and looked around. "Harry! Don't do it! He already hurt me, I don't want him to hurt you." He sighed and sat back down next to me. I rested my head on his shoulder and he rubbed circles on the back of my hand. A nurse came out and said, "The doctor will see you now."

Harry picked me up bridal style and the nurse lead us into a back room. We got my ankle x-rayed and thankfully it wasn't broken, just sprained. The doctor wrapped it up and said, "Don't put any unnecessary pressure on it for at least twelve hours, oh and the shoes, don't wear them again for at least three weeks." Harry and I nodded and he picked me up and we took the elevator to the third floor where Harry approached the desk and asked, "Where is Dave Smith's room?" The nurse looked up and said, "Third door on the left." Harry walked down the hall and set me on the bed next to my dad. He sat down on the couch and just about fell asleep. "Harry, don't start that." He smiled and said, "I'll stay awake I'm just sore, you weigh a ton." I blushed and he jumped up and kissed my cheek. "I'm messing with you."  My dad stirred and mumbled, "Katlyn? Is that you?" I leaned down and kissed his cheek. "Daddy, it's me."

"What happened baby girl?" He asked and the doctor walked in and said, "You were drugged on the plane and it made an emergency landing when the flight attendant found you unconscious." Dad nodded and the doctor said, "You'll have to stay for about two more weeks." We nodded and dad yawned. "I love you daddy, I'll have mum and the kids come say hello later." he nodded and said, "Love you baby girl." Harry picked me up and I texted mum to let her know where dad was and where Harry and I were going. When we got back to the flat the boys surrounded us and started to fuss over me.  "Boys! I need to sit!" They all moved and Harry set me down on the couch. "Katlyn, I want to watch Paranormal Activity 4 but Liam won't let me." I smirked at Liam and said, "Put it in Louis." Liam scowled and went back to his phone, I assumed that he was texting Dani. Harry sat down next to me and the movie started. I jumped at the very start and ended up sitting in his lap. The boys laughed at me then screamed when there was another loud noise. I laughed at them and we watched the movie.


When the movie got over I looked up at Harry, "I'm hungry." he laughed and asked, "Nandos?" I nodded and the boys hooted their approval. Liam ordered and they delivered. We turned on Toy Story and ate dinner. As the credits came onto the screen I didn't feel so good. "Harry will you take me to the loo?" He came over and hurried me into the loo. He set me down and said, "Don't put any pressure on your foot unless you have to." He left and shut the door. I brought myself onto the floor and hurled in the toilet. Harry came back in and held my hair out of my face. "What's going on love? Are you okay?" Harry asked and I shrugged, "I think I just ate something bad." he nodded and picked me up and carried me into his room. I yawned and rested my head on his shoulder until he put me down. He pulled the blankets up over me and kissed my forehead. "Try to get some sleep love." He stood up to leave and I shook my head, "Will you sing for me?" he sighed and nodded. After about a half an hour I fell asleep.

Harry's POV

I closed the door behind me and went downstairs. The boys were all asleep in my living room. I sighed and cleaned up the mess, then went upstairs and grabbed some blankets out of the guest bedroom. I went back downstairs and put the blankets over the boys. I hoped that Katlyn was ok, she didn't usually get sick. I turned off the telly and got a text from Simon. You and Katlyn have an interview in two weeks. I sighed and put my phone away. I turned off all the lights and went up to the roof. Katlyn was such an amazing girl, how did I get so lucky? When I think about the future all that I can see is a small boy with straight hair and a little girl with blonde curls. I can see Katlyn and I on a plane, the boys look a bit older. They all have kids. I shake my head and smile. I'm so lucky to have such an amazing girl as my girlfriend. My phone buzzed with another text from Simon, You need to be seen in public with Katlyn more. You're going to go and see the red carpet premier of The Host, Next week. I'll have Lou pick out an outfit for Katlyn. I sighed and put my phone back in my pocket. I walked back inside and downstairs to my room. I walked into my room and saw Katlyn looking around, "Hey. You okay babe?" I asked as I stripped down to my boxers. She shrugged as she put down her phone and put on her pajamas. "Harry?" She asked looking at the loo. I sighed and helped her over. She sighed after she was done and I carried her back into the bedroom and laid her down, then laid down next to her. "Harry?" She asked then said, "Never mind." I looked at her and said, "I'm waiting." She took a deep breath and said, "Harry, I think....I think I'm pregnant."

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