Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

I watched Katlyn as she handled the crazed fans. She would look calm and focused to anyone else, but I knew her better, I'd been her best friend since 1st year, we'd met the first day and we hadn't spent a moment apart, well you know what I mean, since then. I turned my attention back to the old man who was buying a cake for his granddaughter. Finally 5 o'clock came and John kicked all of the fans out. I sighed in relief as they all left. Katlyn slumped up against the counter and took a deep breath. She looked beautiful, with her acne and make-up free face. Katlyn had never been one for make-up, she did wear it the few times we went to the dances but, she looked beautiful anyway. She had big brown eyes and some of the longest eye lashes I had ever seen. She reached up and pulled her pony tail out. Her hair cascaded down in beautiful blond waves. It was longer than it had been almost six months ago when we'd said goodbye before the tour.

"Harry!" She snapped me out of my thoughts. "Sorry I was just thinking." I said and she laughed, “About what? It looked like it hurt." I stuck my tongue out at her and she laughed again. "About how hard the tour was without you there to support me." I lied smoothly, causing her to blush as I collapsed on the couch in the back room. My stomach fluttered and I frowned, what was wrong with me? I quickly smiled again and looked up to find Katlyn standing over me. "I'm going to go change then we can leave ok?" "Sure thing love." I said and she blushed deeper. I smiled and added, "Hurry back." in a low voice while looking her in the eye and she hurried off. I smiled to myself. In case you haven't noticed, I have a crush on my best friend. How could I not? I've seen her at her best, and at her worst. I was mad because I couldn't be here when her dad had to leave for a job trip, he'd been gone for about six months and he'd left a week ago. I wonder…how does she feel about me?

My phone vibrated with a text. Louis: Where are you? The lads and I are bored! I sighed and rolled my eyes before replying with: I told you I was going to spend the day with Katlyn, have Liam take you to get a movie, now stop bugging me. I sighed and put my phone back in my pocket just as Katlyn came out of the bathroom. My mouth fell open and she blushed again. She was just wearing a pair of Chinos, a plain emerald tee and a pair of converse, with her hair slightly curly on the bottom and a pair of Ray-Bans on her head. I shut my mouth quickly. "Well, shall we get going?" I asked picking up her keys from next to her purse. "Hey! I want to take you back to my place first Shirley misses you. She's been spending all of her time curled up next to the picture of you and I that was taken on the set of the X-Factor." I laughed and said, "We'll go there tonight. Let your mum know that you're going to be with me all day." she sighed and texted her mum who replied, Have fun!

I grabbed her hand and pulled her out to the car, opened her door for her then got in on my side. "Where are we going????" she asked looking frustrated. "You'll know when we get there." I smiled and pulled out. When we pulled up to the park I turned to look at her, she had tears in her eyes. "Harry, what...." she started but I put my finger over her mouth and said, "Just wait and see." I got out and opened her door for her. I also grabbed the picnic basket and laced my fingers through hers. She used her other hand to wipe away the tears. "Harry, I don't know what to say." she said and I pulled her over to the same spot under the trees where we had spent countless days. "Then don't say anything." I said as I pulled her down onto the blanket, and right in front of me. She shook her head and started to cry again. We ate in silence and then laid down to watch the clouds. I put my arm around her and she rested her head on my chest just like we use to. "I had a hard time last month." she said and I turned to look at her confused, "Why?" she looked at me and said "Your birthday." she was crying again and the rain water from last night was falling off of the leaves and into her hair. She looked even more amazing. I couldn't help myself. I leaned over and connected my lips with hers. I sat up and pulled me up with her, wrapping her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her waist. She kissed me back and it got really eager quite fast. She pulled away first and rested her forehead against mine.

"Katlyn," I started without thinking, "Will you be my girlfriend?" her eyes got wide and she started to cry again. She put her hands over her mouth and nodded. I smiled like the idiot that I am and kissed her forehead. "Come on, I have one more surprise for you." she stood up and grabbed the picnic blanket and I grabbed the basket and we hurried back to the car. After we had put the stuff in the backseat she closed the door and turned to look at me. I put my hands on either side on the car trapping her there, she wrapped her arms around my neck and I leaned down and we kissed again, this one went faster and before I knew what had happened she was trying to take off my shirt. I pulled away and looked at her, "Not yet love, maybe later." She bit her lip and nodded. She climbed in the car and we hurried off to my house. "Is Gemma here?" she asked bouncing in her seat.

I chuckled and said, "No, they're all over at Louis's. They thought we might like some time alone." She blushed and we hurried into the house. It was already 10 o'clock. We'd been out late. I smiled as she yawned and pulled her up the stairs to my room. She grabbed a pair of her pajamas from the dresser of clothes she kept at my house, then hurried into the bathroom. I changed into a pair of sweats just as she came out. She looked amazing in that pair of sweats. I took her hand and pulled her down onto the bed. "Harry? When do you get to see Drew again?" I laughed and said, "Tomorrow for his birthday." she smiled and snuggled under the covers, I put my arms around her and she laid her head on my chest. "Good night Katlyn." she smiled and yawned, “Goodnight Harry." Within moments we were both asleep.

OK so this chapter is longer, make sure to give me feedback in the comments! I'll try to make the next chapter about this long. Thanks for reading you guys! Love you all.

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