Chapter 7

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Aiden's pov

We raced back to the house, in wolf form, as fast as we could go. We needed to change and get ready to meet our mates. We had found a place to stay for the duration of our stay here. It's perfect because it's not far from where our mates are staying, and it's right at the edge of a forest. The rush of getting to see Isabella is building as we speak. I'm thinking that we'll need to catch our girls when they swoon at the sight of us. I mean with bodies like ours, they'd be crazy not to. Once we reach our place we change and hop in Keith's car. 

Keith-" How do you think we should explain mates to the girls. I mean they know nothing about their wolves, or even packs. I honestly don't think this is going to go very well."

Aiden-" I know what you mean. I can't even imagine never knowing what it's like to be free and run in wolf form or shift for the first time. it's possible that the transition won't go over very well since they are around eighteen and nineteen years old. "

Jax-" I just hope mine can take a joke. You know I like to pull pranks, if she gets mad over a little joke, she'll have a tough time on April fools day."

Aiden-" What would be even better, is if she pranks better than you do. You'd have to sleep with your eyes open."

Keith-" I don't think he'd be able to handle a girl like that, he'd have to watch his every move when he makes her mad. I can see him sneaking around the pack house, hiding from her now."

Jax- " I can prank with the best of them, a girl couldn't possible be at my level. It would be cute for her to try though."

Our parents have decided to tell them that we are here to visit and have the girls show us around. They want to give us time to ease the girls into the truth about the mates and werewolves. All in all we are supposed to make the transition easier for them. We would also be enrolled in their school as well to find out what interests them.When we reached the house, we got out of the car to hear screaming coming from the house.

Izzy's pov

So after they guys left, we continued on to my house. I figured something was up when we walked in and my parents both had on that "you'd better behave face". They usually do that when they have company or they know i'm going to argue. Now after having looked around, i haven't seen any company. So what's going on?

Dad-"Hi girls, we will have some company in a minute, some friends from Summer Springs are visiting for a while. I need you all to be on your best behavior. They will be bringing their sons and they shall be enrolled in your school. We need you to show them around and try to be friends, they don't have any out here and I want them to feel welcome."

Mom-" I know all of this is confusing  and happening so fast for you, with us having decided to move tomorrow and then suddenly changing it up on you. I ask that you just try your best and do this for us." My mom looks at Kate and Jessie. " I know this is the same with your parents as well." 

" Fine we'll behave... as much as we can while still being on our most weird behavior, that's fair right?" I wouldn't be any fun if we had to be little angels the whole time, why shouldn't we be able to have any fun.

They look at each other and roll their eyes before looking back at us and nodding their heads. I'm not to happy about us having to be babysitters for those guys. 

"Okay that's fine. we'd probably think you were sick if you didn't act a little crazy. Katie go easy on the guys with the pranks, remember how the last prank war went?"

Katie widened her eyes and we prepared for her dramatic act as usual. 

Katie- " Whaaaaaat?" " You think I would do something so unladylike?"

In unison we all scream yes. The last prank war ended up with whipped cream all over the floor, walls and ceiling. How we got it up there we don't know, but it was kinda fun. When my dad waked in he tripped and came up looking like a whipped cream santa. We got a good laugh from that and then he joined in , until mom made us clean it all up.

Katie-" Well yeah, that does sound like me doesn't it?" She bows low and waves like a queen in the end."

The doorbell rings and my mom went to answer the door.

Dad-" Now that should be them now, you can be yourselves, just don't get too crazy."

I can hear my mom at the door and hear everyone walking in the living room

Mom-" That's a great idea! The kids can stay here and watch a couple movies while were out."

Dad-"What's that?" 

As everyone filed into the room, the girls and I got a good look when the guys appeared. They were good looking, but they also seemed a bit arrogant. From the look on their faces, they got a good look at us as well. We're not hunks of meat, but you wouldn't be able to tell that by the way they had their eyes on us. I looked at my girls to see if they felt the same way, and low and behold we all feel the same. I mean have they not learned any manners ever, not even from a show. No offense meant toward their parents at all, but it's either that or the're just hard headed.

Mom-" Randon and Karen here suggested that we have a nice dinner out tonight. What do you think about that." 

Dad-" Sounds nice, let's go get ready"


Will be continued in the next chapter. I know this was a short chapter, but I just got back into writing. I know this is a long overdue update. I hope some of you are still reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2015 ⏰

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