Chapter 13

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"Cam, can you call Gérard down for breakfast?" Angelina asked, preparing toast that later morning. Camellia trudged to the stairs. "Octavian!" She yelled. Gérard managed to stop the wound from bleeding any further. He cleaned it while showering. He didn't understand how he could have gotten stabbed like that. The water from the shower head rained on his now platinum hair, washing away the shampoo. He looked up. He gurgled and spat into the drainage. Red with blood from last night.

"OCTAVIAN!!" Camellia screamed. He jumped. I seriously think Camellia is scarier than Vieira... He thought, rushing though his shower. Gérard hurried down. Camellia stared at him with judgement in her eyes. "What?" He asked. "You shower longer than Ange." She commented.

They heard Angelina's phone ring. She picked it up. Gérard and Camellia entered the dining room. "Yes, we do need a ride... really? Thanks!" Angelina smiled, turning to the two. "Magnolia's brother is giving us a ride." She smiled "Not that one!" Gérard complained. Even so, Magnolia's older brother Hunter (still) gave them a ride to school, despite the fact he disliked the couple. Camellia stayed home as she was considered as 'still recovering'.

Hunter's white Honda Odyssey waited in the driveway outside Magnolia's house as Angelina and Gérard headed over. They saw the brunette young adult sitting on the hood of the car, with his back facing them. His white hair tips were strikingly visible in the dark red jacket he wore. The two of them were barely across their front yard when he turned around. "It's you again..." he started, before he turned to the front door. Magnolia ran out of the house.

"Let's go!" She cried. Hunter unlocked his car and Magnolia got into the passenger seat. Angelina and Gérard got into the back as Hunter slid off the hood and got into the driver seat. Instead of usually driving into the car park, Hunter drove to the school porch where he dropped them off. "I should be done by latest 5:30. Angey and Maxie are going home by themselves." Magnolia smiled at Hunter as Angelina and Gérard got out. "Hey, Mag, are you going to watch any of the matches?" Angelina asked.

"Not really... But since there's not much of classes, okay!" Magnolia smiled. "Right, Ethan's match should be at 10." Angelina added. "Are you going to watch?" They turned to Gérard. "I'm not used to the sun..." Gérard mumbled, but Magnolia pulled him along. At the cricket field, Angelina and Magnolia took the front row. Gérard hid in the shade of the trees. "St. Bernard Kirkland will bat first! Chevalier High will wear the vest!" Gérard heard the referee.

"This match will consist of 2 innings of 20 overs!" Gérard sighed at the cheering crowds of both schools. The girls were screaming for the boys. Ethan's name was heard clearly as the home team chanted his name. Then, there was silence, indicating the start of play. As for the girls, Magnolia often watched ball and wondered why the team members of Chevalier High were going out very quickly.

"It's an out when the ball is bowled and caught, or when there is a run out." Angelina explained. "Look." Magnolia pointed at Ethan, who was going to bowl. "Is it me? Or is it Ethan who looks skinnier without that fur coat of his?" Angelina asked. "I think it's his coat." Magnolia replied. Ethan turned to the crowd and saw Angelina. He winked at her. Angelina felt like slapping him, but she held it in.

When Ethan bowled, the ball was speeding quicker than Angelina had expected. It rebounded off the field much lower than usual and knocked the wicket. driveball... Before long, by the end of the first inning, St. Bernard Kirkland was leading by heaps. Both of the teams switched sides. There wasn't much to expect, since St. Bernard Kirkland wasn't going to give the Chevalier any mercy.

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