Chapter 19

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Ethan grabbed Camellia's hood, forcing her to stop midway. "Don't grab my hood." She complained, sounding monotonous-ly agitated. Ethan took the book from her, again. "Why aren't you like the good doll you were last time? You literally clung yourself to that other kid." He joked. "Tell me about what you've written in the book." He demanded. Still, Camellia wouldn't tell him anything. "SK, please don't do this to me. I could always hang you on the flagpole and get away with it." He started to sound crazed.

Camellia remained silent, undaunted. "My everyday thoughts." She spat, glaring at Ethan. She snatched back her book again and hurried off. He smirked, following after her. "See? You're pretty cute when you listen." He complimented her. Camellia stopped and stared at him. Ethan caressed her cheek. "What happened within those years..." He smiled. Camellia stepped on his toes. "Damn!" He yelled.

Camellia smiled at his suffering. "Kingdom!" She heard someone call her, but Camellia couldn't take her eyes off Ethan's suffering. "Don't touch my boyfriend!" It was Clara. The brunette slowly turned her head to the approaching strawbie. "Bitch, does it look like I give a shit?" She asked, being sarcastic. Clara gave Camellia a vicious shove to her shoulder. "Move it." She growled. "And what if I don't wanna?" Camellia snapped back.

She shoved Clara into the wall. Ethan smiled to himself, watching the oncoming cat fight. The latter lunged at Camellia. The copper brunette dodged it and grabbed her arm, flipping the strawbie over. Clara began to groan in pain as she try to stand up. "It's done." Ethan smiled and wrapped an arm around Camellia's waist. She grabbed it and flipped Ethan over. "I'd prefer to stay single." She smirked, walking out on him.


"News from yesterday! Stargazer flips Braginski, literally!" Andy cried as he went about passing out the St. Bernard Times, weekly edition. Students came to collect and drop their change in a can he held. Angelina walked into the cafeteria in a hurry, heading towards their table where she found Camellia sitting there already, writing in her journal. "Camellia, what is this?" Angelina slammed the papers onto the lunch table, gaining the brunette's attention.

She stopped writing. "Are you trying to suplex him?" She asked, sitting down. "What's wrong? I thought you hated him." Camellia nonchalantly pursed her lips and glanced up. "I do but... we're friends; classmates of that matter." Angelina added. Camellia (fully) looked up from her journal.

"I hope that doesn't become what I think it might be. You have Gérard, stick to him. He loves you, unlike Braggins. Braggins just treat girls like toys. Play for a while. Once broken or bored, he dumps them." Angelina sighed. "Could also call him something nicer other than 'Braggins'? It makes his name sound weirder." She asked. "Like what? Vasyl or Mjölnir?" Camellia demanded.

"Myo... what?" Angelina repeated. "Mjölnir, the hammer of the Norse God of Thunder Thor." She explained. Angelina gave a half snort. "Look, the play is on Thursday, Winter ball on Friday, and it's Tuesday." Camellia closed her book. "Does my face reads 'talk to me'? No, it doesn't." Camellia became sarcastic. Angelina reached out for her hands.

"Cam, please, I need help. I can't confess to Gérard." She asked, sitting down next to her housemate. "How? Like you don't love him? Or you got no balls." Camellia asked. "No courage." Angelina corrected. "We females, biologically, do not have balls." Camellia closed her journal. "It's just a figure of speech." Camellia kept her journal in her jacket. "Okay. After dinner, you'll tell him. I'll prompt you." Camellia said.

The girls headed to the theatre for their final rehearsal. They saw Aaron pacing about on the stage as P.J. slept at the premium seats. "Angelina!" Aaron saw the redhead. He jumped down from the stage and ran to her. "Have you seen Max?" He asked. "He was here a moment ago before he disappeared. His phone is still here, somewhere."

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