Chapter 18

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Tears slowly left Gérard's eyes. "Why didn't you come home?" He asked. Cornelia said nothing. "Why didn't you?" His voice became dry. "Gérard, you have to understand. My powers is a threat wherever I go." She finally spoke, her voice full of silver, yet toneless. Gérard's body throbbed and he began to cough violently. Still, he attempted to look at Cornelia.

"See now? Your body can't take it. That's why I had to seek a vessel that is capable to hold my powers. Otherwise it breaks." Cornelia took several steps back. "Which means?" Gérard asked, his voice strangled. "Yes. For about two decades, I've stolen innocent lives, just to live." Cornelia turned away from her brother. "I'm a murderer."

Gérard tried to stand, but the throbbing kept him down. "We're both murderers." He breathed. Cornelia walked over to him and crouched down. "But it's different if one is killing an innocent civilian and another killing a serial killer." She stated. The wooden floor was slowly covered in frost. "It's not much longer before the dragonfly burns again." Cornelia said, slowly becoming see-through.

"W-Wait! Sister!" Gérard coughed. "We'll meet again on the 'last day of school', Maxwell." Cornelia brushed her fingers through Gérard's head. "I'm just a mere illusion. The real me is dormant in your lady love." She explained, before finally disappearing. The throbbing stopped, Gérard could finally stand again. "Bye Mag! See you tomorrow!" He heard Angelina downstairs.

He hurried to the window and saw the girls. Angelina had a hand covering her nape as Magnolia curiously tried to look at it. Camellia looked as bored as ever by her crooked posture. Gérard hurried down the stairs, just in time to meet Angelina. "Gérard, what were you doing upstairs?" She asked. "You were pretty long... bombing Pearl Harbour?" Camellia gave her sarcastically thick British accent. He let out a sigh. "I... was... tryna..." he dragged his words, but Angelina wouldn't buy it. "Okay, I saw Cornelia. But it was only an illusion." He vomited the truth.

Camellia grinned evilly. "Stupid." She smirked, before she ran up the stairs and slamming her room door shut. Angelina face-palmed. "Can you explain this.... 'Cornelia' concept thing, again?" She asked. Gérard shrugged his shoulders. He sat down on the couch as Angelina went to the kitchen to prepare water for themselves. When she came back and sat next to him, Gérard began his explanation.

"Her full name is Cornelia Alexandrite Octavia, of Elephogor. She is my older sister who disappeared for almost 20 years and she is now living in your body, using you as a vessel until she gets 'stronger'." He lied about the last part. "Using me as a vessel?" Angelina repeated. Gérard nodded. "Your vampire thing really confuses me..." She added. "Well, it's not like we have a w...lovely neighbor who so happens to be our schoolmate." Gérard commented.

"Were you trying to say that Magnolia is wonderful? Or weird?" She demanded. "Not human weird but... supernaturally weird." He commented. Angelina gave him a judging face. "Excuse me?" Gérard knew he was screwed whenever Angelina says that, with that tone. "I'm sorry. I pushed a lot of my personal life and probably ruined your first semester." He apologized. Angelina let out an exasperated sigh. "I wonder when I'll get used to this..."


It was the last week before the day of the play as everyone in the school seemed hyped up. It wasn't just the play. It was the Winter Ball the school hosted every year. The concept is similar to the prom. Angelina made a beeline for the art studio to meet representatives of the Design Department as Camellia strolled behind her red-haired friend.

The distance was at first about a metre away, then about 5 metres, now half of the corridor away. The brunette became bored and changed destinations. When Angelina reached the studio, she saw her group mates arguing. "Hey, what's up?" She asked, gaining all of their attention.

"The ceiling." The lightly tanned girl sarcastically replied. "I'm sorry." She quickly apologized, knowing that Angelina had a rough day. "It's alright, Andrea, I know you just want to have some joy in my day." Angelina assured. Andrea let out a sigh of relief. "Vincent won't cooperate! He refuses to agree with the fairy-tale idea!" The dark haired girl complained. Angelina turned to a navy haired boy in the corner of the room, holding a piece of paper in his hands.

"Hannah, I'll deal with it." She smiled, before making her way over to Vincent. "Now, what's the conflict?" Angelina asked. Vincent rolled his eyes before pointing at Hannah. "It's not like I don't want the fairy-tale. I like the idea, but Hannah is being overly obsessed with her ideas of princes and princesses. We're senior high schoolers! Not elementary kids!" He complained.

"No way! My idea is much better than yours !" Hannah retorted. They stared daggers at each other. Vincent broke eye contact and gave Angelina the paper he held. Angelina took a look at the paper Vincent held. It was a rough sketch of the gym hall. The front had two banners: Top said 'Summer Ball 2015', and the bottom said 'A Roman Summer'.

The hall was simply designed with the appendage for a fairy-tale setting. "I like Vincent's idea of design. It's not so bad, Hannah." Angelina turned to the other girls. Hannah seemed to be on the verge of tears. "Hannah, please. I know your idea is great, but you also have to think of others. We should make this the best summer ball for our school." Angelina reasoned.

"Fine." Hannah gave in. "Thanks, Hannah." Angelina smiled. "But you owe me a gelato for this!" She said, leaving the studio. Angelina smiled. Andrea chuckled. "Glad that's over!" She yawned.  "Okay." Vincent got up from his corner. "I'll bring this to the Design Depart, then." He took back his paper and left the studio. "What shall we do, Andrea?" She asked the dark-haired. "Sit back, relax and enjoy the show." She gave a playful wink.


Gérard felt a little uncomfortable, even though he was with his best friends. The three of them were pulling a prank on some of the students for the fun of it. "What if we accidentally prank a teacher?" He asked. "They're all having a meeting now." Ben assured.

At a certain doorway of a certain science lab, the boys pulled transparent tape across the doorway. It was for people of the average height, using Ben as a borderline. The trio hid somewhere close by, but hidden from the doorway's viewpoint. Before long, they heard a girly shriek.

They snickered, before coming out to check their prank trap. They gulped. It was Clara Anderson. "Run boys!" Saul was the first to sprint off. Gérard pulled Ben along, but Clara caught sight of the dark-haired boy. "Benjamin James Davis!" She screamed. "I'll sue you for THIS!!!"


Camellia strolled through the busy corridors as students prepared for the last day of school before the summer. Her red journal hid inside of her black jacket. Ethan briskly walked past her, purposely bumping into her. She suddenly stopped and followed him. "I'd like to have my journal back, Vasyl." She asked for her book back.

Ethan drew the book from under of his coat. "You mean this?" He asked. "What do you even write in it?" Ethan waved the book at her. Camellia snatched the leather jacket book back. "Thanks, for your cooperation." She walked out on him. "Hey, wait up! SK!" He called after her, but the American ignored the Russian.

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