2: When Bae Thinks You're Pretty

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2: When Bae Thinks You're Pretty

I glanced at my friends, who were clearly as shocked as I was.

There was no way Blaze was talking to me.

To me.

"Me?" I voiced my confusion. "Are you talking to me?"

"I'm not talking to anyone else," he pointed out with a roll of his eyes.

I shifted uncomfortably. "I...can't believe it."


"Because you're popular."

"So? People talk to each other all the time, popular or not."

"Not you," Candice jumped in. "You're always with your squad. You don't talk to anyone else outside of them."

"You never spoke to us before," Sharon quietly agreed.

Blaze glanced at Sharon before he ran a hand down his gorgeous face. "Oh. Well, I'm talking to you now."

"Why you are, is a mystery." Candice muttered.

He ignored her, and turned back to me. "Are you Temara?"

I tried my best not to fidget nervously under his gaze. Did he always stare so intensely? I avoided his eyes. And somehow I found myself looking past his shoulder at his friends. As always, his friends were as loyal as police dogs--they followed his lead and were never too far behind. They were standing at least ten feet behind him, a big mass of chatter and laughter and hormones. For the most part, they weren't paying close attention to Blaze. Some of them glanced over here, which made me nervous, but their eyes didn't linger. Why would they? My friends and I were nobodies.

Blaze cleared his throat and I snapped out of my observation. "Huh?"

"Your name," he reminded me.


Blaze nodded understandingly. He looked over me for a sec and then, out of nowhere, he said, "Nerd."


A playful, knowing smirk lifted Blaze's lips slowly. "You're a nerd."

"Well...yeah. I get good grades." I glanced back at my friends. Sharon and Candice shared confused glances with me. Why was Blaze bringing up the obvious? "I know that."

"But," he said, squinting at me and tilting his head to the side as if he couldn't believe it himself, "you're...pretty."

My next breath caught in my throat."I am?" I squeaked.

"You are. Surprisingly."


"You're not supposed to be pretty," he continued, even though I all lost control of my vocal cords. He walked closer to me, as if to get a better look. And he didn't stop until he was literally right above me and I had to crane my neck to look up at him. "Smart girls are usually ugly, but not you. You don't wear glasses or braces." He leaned down even closer. "Nothing."

Breathe, breathe, breathe. Don't pass out, stay calm, don't pass out, I chanted.

"Why are you different?" Blaze whispered, his deep voice even deeper. He touched my hair and laughed when I gave him a crazy look.

"Blaze." The voice shook both me and Nicolas out of our daze. "Blaze!"

Blaze whipped around to one of the kids calling him.

His twin brother, Nathan (who we sometimes called Beast), looked bored and impatient--and so did all the the groupies that surrounded him. It looked like they wanted Blaze back.

"How long are you going to talk to her, bro?" Beast lazily asked.

"As long as I want to," Blaze said coolly.

"The bell's gonna ring."

"The bell is not going to ring--"

Then the bell rang.

Blaze rolled his eyes, exasperated. "Fine! I'll be over there." He turned back to me. "Bye, nerd. See you around the halls."

"S-See ya."

"No he didn't come all the way over here to tell her that," Candice sassed. She didn't sound like she was hating; she was just shocked. She watched as he walked back to his group of friends. He dapped his friends and laughed with them. "You see this, Shay?"

Sharon nodded, looking just as baffled. "Yeah," she said in awe. "He really talked to you, Mara. He really did!"

"I know." I was pretty, with my ugly chucks and totally uncool backpack and my 1974 cell phone? I couldn't breathe. "I...still can't wrap my head around it."

Candice cosigned. "He was all over you! Oh, I bet he's gonna talk to you again."

"You think so?" I got excited at the thought of it.

"I can feel it."

Then some kid almost bumped into us. "Hey!" Sharon called out. The kid gave her a sheepish look before hurrying toward the school. "Sorry!"

Other kids weaved around us and were heading to their classes. They suddenly brought us back to earth: we were still at school, and we had to go. They served to be a reminder as to why we were here.

As if on some silent agreement, we all started off toward the classrooms.

"By the way," Candice said, before we all parted. Sharon and I looked back at her.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"You gon' hook me up with Blaze's twin?"


I love Candice, lol.

The reason why Blaze doesn't talk like Larry, the real Larry, is because in this story, he's American. So I can't make him have his broken English and sound all cute and French. So sorry, reader. And a special sorry to the all Larry girls out there.

I guess that might be one drawback of this story. But I'll try to incorporate some of Larry's characteristics in Blaze. Shouldn't be hard.

Larry's shady as hell, anyway. XD

Thanks for reading.

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