supposed to be Chap. 5?

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Hey. This isn't an update, sorry. But I am working on Chapter 10, and it should be up soon. No worries, lol.

So, I'm updating because I want to share with you this thing I wrote this some time ago. It's just this tiny excerpt, really. But I never published it, because it didn't quite fit in the story to me.

But now that we're nine chapters into this novella, I decided to share it with you guys. Because why not, lol.

It's kind of like if Roy Evant, Les Twins' friend, ever went to North High School. I read over it and thought it was kind of interesting, maybe. Originally, this was supposed to be Chapter 5. Enjoy.

5: Bae's Friend, Tho

Tomorrow came quickly. School started off as it usually did, with Mom dropping me off and my friends and I walking to class and Blaze and his friends arriving late. I watched as he and his friends were, once again, the center of attention as they walked unto campus. Me and Shay drooled over Blaze while Candice had her eyes on Beast, clutching my arm and telling me, "I swear, you better hook me up with him."

Classes passed slowly. I was impatiently waiting for the clock to hit eleven--eleven p.m. was the beginning of my fourth period, my only class with Blaze. The clock ticked slowly, mocking me with its sluggish pace. I glared at the device above Mr. Brown's whiteboard, looking past his head to the clock. C'mon. I felt stuck in third period. Chemistry began to feel like a prison.

But Mr. Brown, oblivious to my glare that probably appeared to be directed at him, addressed the class. "For this semester, you will be working in pairs. You're going to need to choose your lab partners. I trust that you all are responsible enough to chose someone who you can work with easily; I won't be assigning pairs. "

Some of the kids looked excitedly at each other, already partnering up. I looked around too, wondering who I'd be paired with.

"Once you've chosen your partner, put your names on the paper here," Mr. Brown lifted a sheet of lined paper, "and that'll be all for today." Then the phone rang at his desk, and Mr. Brown ambled over to the receiver while the class commenced promptly into a light chatter.

Students paired up quickly. I lifted from my seat to look for a decent partner, but some kid tapped my shoulder, so I sat and I turned to him.

"Hi," he said a little shyly, the glasses he wore sliding down the length of his nose before he pushed them back up. "You wanna be my partner?"

I felt like I recognized his arched brows, almond brown eyes and silky hair. "Hi, sure. Do I know you?"

"Probably. I hang out with Blaze a lot."

I looked at him closer. He grinned. "C'mon. You haven't heard my name once?" When I shook my head, he rolled his eyes. "I'm Roy Evant."

I knew I seen Roy before. "Hey! Cool. Doesn't your family own a hardware store or something?"

He nodded profusely. "Evant Supplies. Yep."

"Wow." I smiled. "Well my name's--"

"Temara Lansing?" The kid grinned again, surprising me. "I know. I've seen you around with Blaze." I arched a brow at him and he added," Plus, he talks my ear off about you."

My face warmed. The thought of Blaze talking about me turned my insides into mush. I tried to fight it, but the winning smile that pulled my lips up betrayed me.

Roy's eyes lit up. "Oh, now I see. No wonder he talks about you, you're so pretty!"

"Erm, I--"

"And your teeth--they're perfect! Love a girl with good hygiene."

"Roy! I'm... kind of dying, here. Please stop complimenting me."

I inhaled deeply, so that my face wouldn't feel so hot. Roy noticed this and chuckled. "Oookay, then. How about you be my lab partner? How's that?"

"Yes." That sounded better.

Roy and I rose and went to Mr. Brown's desk to sign our names. Mr. Brown gave us a nod of acknowledgement before we returned to our seats. In the time we got up to move around, I thought about Blaze.

So he talked about me, huh?

That was so... cool. I was practically a nobody, but that didn't seem to faze Blaze. I never thought my name would pass along his lips. Along his plump, rosy lips, that gave way to his perfect teeth and to his deep voice...

Oh, man, I had it bad. I was thinking about his lips, for God's sake.

"You look kind of cute when you're thinking, too," Roy said, disturbing my thoughts.

My eyebrows shot up and my face warmed again. "Roy!"

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