Sketching, or Fidgeting Class?

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I've dropped my pencil three times. Ever since I sat down on this stool in front of my canvas I've been a bundle of nerves. The Boy Who Wore Black is in this class.

Should I go for public interrogation?
Should I lunge across the circle of canvases?
Should I kiss him...wait what?

Ugh, focusing would be a lot easier if this boy wasn't here. Don't get me wrong, sketching multiple platters of fruit is wonderful, but I feel like I need to talk to this boy.

"Miss Olivia, your glances across the room are not going to help you sketch this apple." Professor Hart says, looking over at me.

"Of course sir," I reply quickly, looking away from Boy's face.

Already I've been taught to rethink how I draw in at least 17 different ways, and it isn't even lunch. It's official: this school is amazing.

"Time's up, class," Professor Hart glances at his watch. "Hand in what you've done and head out."

I'm pretty proud of my drawings, especially the banana sketch that I did. I think I managed to put the potassium in its place in that one.

I pull out my schedule and look at my next class; A Study in Paint. Honestly, the people who run this school need some sort of medal; that name already has me thinking about how much I want to live at this school.

I start to walk out the door, still looking at my schedule, when I bump into someone.

Of course. The Boy.

And I, being the incredibly suave person I am, immediately go, "Boy! Pancakes!" Nice one, Olivia. Real charming.

His reaction surprises me, though. Instead of running for the hills shouting "WHERE'S THE NEAREST MENTAL HOSPITAL?!" like I thought he would, he laughs and says, "Girl! Eyes!"

Before I lose all of my courage, I say, "Ok, I can't stop referring to you as 'The Boy in Black' in my mind, so I have to know; what's your name?"

"James," he says, "and yours, 'Girl with the Green Eyes?'"

"Olivia." We shake hands and I start to laugh. "I can't believe you're here; this has to be the biggest coincidence of the century."

He grins. "I agree with you there." The warning bell rings, which brings us out of our world and back into reality.

"I guess I should head to class," I say reluctantly. "I've got 'A Study in Paint'."

"Oh, I have art history." We smile at each other and say goodbye, heading off in opposite directions.

Oh my god. I just talked to The Boy. No, James. I just talked to James. He's so...real. It's not every day you run into the handsome guy you saw at the pancake house. Man, this school just keeps getting better and better.

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