To Eat Pancakes, Or To Not Eat Pancakes?

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Sometimes I think the sun is out to get me. It streams through my obviously closed curtains, still finding a way to wrench my eyes open. The one thing I like about the sun, though: it's half of the rainbow equation. Colors are all I see. It's like I can see a person's soul when I look at their face. (Side note, black is bad. If someone has a black soul, I'm calling Sam and Dean. I have yet to see this.) Anyway, here I am, an 18 year old girl living with her brother (who, supposedly, is responsible, but I have yet to see that too) because her parents are "taking a break from having kids." I'm still trying to figure out what that means. As I'm pondering this, my brother, Derek, barges into my room and says, "Pancakes? I'm feeling pancakes." He doesn't seem to realize that he's just violated my personal space rules several times over. My brother's soul is eternally yellow and red. He's the happy-go-lucky type, but if anything goes slightly wrong, he'll explode.

"I'm feeling like you should get out of my room," I say, throwing a pillow at him. "But I'm up for pancakes. I'll be ready in ten."

"Is that a ten like ten, or a ten like an hour?" He says, oblivious to my pillow-throwing attempts.

"It's a ten like GET OUT!"

"Okay, okay!" He laughs as he closes my door, and as he leaves I silently wish that he'll trip falling down he stairs. Seriously, he's twenty-two and acts like a child. I pull on some jeans and a relatively clean shirt (and by relatively clean, I mean just-recently-pulled-out-of-the-hamper). Looking at the mirror, I sigh and brace myself for another day of boredom and gray skies.

So this is the first chapter of my first story - Any form of criticism is welcome - tell me what you think <3

Also: my chapters will mostly be pretty short - the reasoning behind this is:

I get ideas now and then that I just have to jot down, and when I write them in that moment, they're not very long.

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