Is That the Mail, or My Dreams?

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My pacing is interrupted by the sound of a mail truck pulling away. Today's the day I find out if I got into dream school. See, not only can I see the colors in a person's soul, but I can use colors to create my own world through paintings. Art is my life, and if I don't get into this school, I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to go in search of a cliff to jump off.

Derek beats me to the mailbox and pulls out my letter.

"Let me see that, Derek," I say, impatient tones creeping into my voice, "That's my future you're holding in your hands."

"Alright, alright, don't get frazzled." (Frazzled? Seriously? Who says that?)

I grab the letter out of his hands and tear it open. I see a C, then an O, then an N...ohmygodohmygodohmygod I GOT IN! I FREAKING GOT IN! I hug Derek and and we start dancing around the mailbox like crazy people. I make it back to my room and pin the letter onto my bulletin board. I can't believe I'm actually going to ASNY...

And through all of that celebration, I almost forgot about the boy. Almost, but not quite.

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