The Letter (Not the One From Hogwarts, Sadly)

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Here I am, an 18 year old boy who could've possibly just have met eye contact with the girl of his dreams, but since I'm an idiot, I left. I'm walking back to my friend's house, whose family took me in after my parents died, thinking to myself how the moment I just had doesn't happen in real life. There was a serious connection between me and that girl. I'm thinking about this so intently that I don't even notice that I've walked in Jeremy's (my friend) front door. He comes running down the stairs holding a letter, yelling, "JAMES IT'S HERE! YOU'RE ACCEPTANCE LETTER FROM ASNY!"

I sigh, "Jeremy, I don't know if I got in yet, so how on earth could that be the acceptance letter when neither of us have actually opened it?"

ASNY is the art school in New York that I really want to go to. Drawing all day and all night sounds like Heaven. I submitted my application about a month ago, and the time has finally come. I take the letter out of Jeremy's hands and slowly undo the flap of the envelope. I'm pulling out the letter...waiting, waiting...CONGRATULATIONS pops out in bold font and I scream. I actually scream like a five year old and almost knock Jeremy down. You know you have a best friend when they start screaming with you. I'm so caught up in this moment that I've almost forgotten about the girl. Almost, but not quite.

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