Another Chance

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( YN )

i was still in rays room sitting on his bed. i couldnt believe he was moving but it was for the best, when ray walked in he sat down next to me .

"He said yes" he said

"Really?" I looked at him.

"Yeah. Should i start packing" he stood up.

I stood up too and nodded. "I'll help... Bro"

He smiled "thanks...sis"

I nodded and walked to his closet.

It was about a week later. It was rays last night before he was leaving... I was upset ofcourse. He was the best boyfriend i ever had... he made me feel like me. nobody else does that. We were sitting on a swing infront of my house just talking about the usual. Ofcourse i brought something up that i knew was gonna get me thinking

"I gotta say you was the best" i lit my cigarette & smoked it.

"I was the best" he repeated looking confused.

"Yeah.... Your'e like a boy version of me. Always high , always turnt up, always being yourself. And a moment when someone pisses you off you snap in a second"

he looked at me a smiled. "Thats exactly how i am" i smiled back and blowed out the smoke. "I know you ray.." I leaned in more to his face "i know you".

You Would've thought we were gonna kiss but nah. That's the bro and thats all hes gonna be.

"I'll miss you yn" he said looking me in my eyes.

"Im gonna miss you too..." I replied.

The next day it was the day ray was leaving. I woke up extra early and made him breakfast. My bestfriend was leaving me!

" well whats this" ray said sitting up rubbing his eyes

" goodbye breakfast" i said with a weak smile .

" forreal? you the best ba- sis" he replied.

" yeah , im gonna miss you se- ray" man this was hard. i said to myself

he nodded and took the breakfast.

" well your welcome!" i laughed

" thanks nigga" he said stuffing his mouth.


( RAY )

i was putting my bags in the car.. it was time for me to go. im gonna miss los angles ! alot man. i closed the trunk and saw yn looking down at the ground. i was leaving her. i knew so many feelings were gonna come out ... im not sure if this was the right choice of not.

" well " i walked to her with my hands in my pocket.

she wiped her eyes and folded her arms.

" thanks ray" she said.

" for...." I asked .

" everything" she said. " you were the best like i said"

i smiled and gave her a hug. it lasted like 3 minutes .. i could see our parents in the corner of my eye watching us.. they didnt seem mad though.

" deep down inside..." I said. " your still my lil freak"

she smiled a bit. " and deep down inside your still my ray bae"

i smiled and kissed her cheek.

" love you" i said smiling

" love you too" she replied.

a few moments later i was in the car .. on my way to san diego. i'll miss everybody... especially.. my lil sis YN.


( YN )

i knocked on the door and fixed my hair. it was a habit too look good for everybody. when he opened the door he looked at me and stood there. I knew this was gonna go one way. me getting what was once mine back or walking away looking stupid.

" is it too late to get another chance" i said shyly smiling.

he looked at me with a serious look then smiled.

i smiled back.

he leaned in and kissed me and i felt the butterflies again.... like always...

i missed jacob.

well i guess it was a weird year.

my lover 'was' my brother .

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