Chapter 48

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*A/N* Ayeeee long time no see :3

I have no idea where I'm going. He blindfolded me after awhile and I had no idea where I was going. He stopped me and slowly pulled the blindfold off.

"Oh my god..." I whispered to myself. A road of candles, under my favorite line of trees, the weeping willows. I nearly died among this breathtaking view. I laughed lightly, still covering my mouth in utter astonishment. As we started to walk down this romantic road, rose pedals began flowing through the air. Instantly, I knew the guys were in on this too. He took me all the way to the end of the path.

"Andy..." I turned away crying at the sight of it. I buried myself in his chest to his surprise.

"Shhhh baby, its okay." He whispered in my ear and turned me around. It was the bench where we had first met. A bunch of candles around it. Flowers and balloons. This was the most important anniversary. The day we met. He walked me over to it and we sat down. I began crying more and more. This was the day where my life changed. To top it all off, he played Saviour to me on his guitar he had there.

This is why I didn't leave Andy after everything. All the shit and drama. It didn't matter at times like this. He may make me cry but no one makes me smile like he does. He kissed me gently.

"I love you, Ally." He whispered into my ear while we hugged.

"I love you too Andy." I choked.

Now that tours over, we can go back to our normal life. In a normal environment. The cuddling, the romance, the sleeping in. Oh I can hardly wait.

~Time lapse~ December 25

I woke up with the sense of excitement. Ally was still sleeping like a baby. I can wake her up one of two ways. I can wake her up nicely with gentle kisses, or I can jump on the bed and scream obnoxious noises. Hell yea. I stood on the bed but before I did this, I think I need some other sort of loud noise or- ohhh! I have a good idea! I put my phone up on the TV stand so I can record it. Ally is bound to wake up any minute so I should hop into bed with her for a while. I pressed record so I am more prepared. I laid in bed and she groaned.

"Hm?" She sat up a bit.

"Go back to sleep baby." I kissed her temple. She laid her head back on the pillow and laid on her stomach. She is so beautiful. Even with her messy ponytail, cami, and sweatpants. No make up, light snoring, and sprawled legs. I got up slowly and went downstairs real fast. I grabbed a pot and pan then went back upstairs. I stood on the bed and got ready.

"Babbbbyyyyyy!!!!!! Get up! Get up! Get uppp!!!!" I jumped on the bed and banged the pot and pan together. She screamed and jumped. She fell off the bed and I began laughing. I stopped banging the pot and pan and hopped off the bed.

"Oh my god babe." She groaned. I grabbed her ankles and began dragging her to the bathroom.

"Babe!" She whined. I dragged her into the bathroom and put her in the bath tub. I put it on freezing cold and turned the shower on.

"Fuck." She scooted back and tried swatting the cold water away.

"Haha! You should see your face right now!"

"Turn the fucking water off." I did as so and stood in the bath. I crouched down to her.

"Good morning." I said sweetly and lightly.

"I fucking hate you right now!" She groaned and covered her face with her hands. I grabbed her hands and moved them away.

"Merry Christmas." I laughed.

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