Chapter 51

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*A/N* There is a picture of chubs up there. He's just too cute :3 ;-; anywhoddle, enjoy Ally's little birthday present ;)

"You can't see anything, can you?" He whispered in my ear.

"Nope." I giggled softly.


I felt his hands grabbing mine. I guess it's another surprise. He got me enough, and I truly mean it. Jewelry, lingerie, a giant teddy bear, perfume, make up, knee high socks, a new straightener. I don't know why he does it.

"Watch your step." He said. I knew we were going up the steps.

"What's this all about?"

"You'll see." I carefully walked up the steps.

"Or you can tell me so I don't break my neck." I laughed.

"Hush hush babe." He chuckled.

He began taking me down the hall and into the bedroom. When we walked in, he closed the door and it smelt amazing. He guided me over to the bed and I laid in the middle. I felt a small cold object land on my thigh.

"You can take it off now." He said in a deep voice. I slowly took it off with my eyes closed and fixed my curls. When I opened it a small gasp came out my mouth and my jaw dropped. I looked around the dark room that was enlightened by candles. That's where the amazing smell of exotic fruits came from. I felt another small cold object land on my arm. I glanced down at it to see a perfect red rose petal on my wrist. I looked at Andy and he had a hand full of rose petals. He had plain black sweatpants on and no shirt, but a black tie. His hair so perfectly straight and eyeliner so amazing. He threw another rose petal on my stomach. I fully laid down on the bed but I laid down in a more sexy position. I giggled at him and he smiled. I know I've said this before but this man is the best! The petals caressed my practically bare skin. I still had the lingerie and knee high socks on, plus any jewelry. Once the petals were all over my body, he sat down on the bed and grabbed an acoustic guitar. He strummed it and looked at me.

"Are you going to serenade me?" I asked.

"Why, yes i am." He laughed then began doing actual cords. Then he began singing, Ritual.

"Rise up and celebrate your life!" He sung. When the song was over, he grabbed my hand.

"You are too cute." I pulled him onto the bed so he was on top of me. He was more in a push up position so his tie was in my face. I bit it and tugged down on it so he came closer. I felt his tense arms and grabbed his face gently. He lowered down and kissed my lips softly. So soft to the point where our lips were barely touching. He kissed me a little rougher but not to where I would call it rough. I know Andy's rough side. It was more like a normal kiss, slow and luscious. Our lips moved in sync and we still didn't use tongue yet. It was just a slow kiss session. I tickled his sides lightly with my nails. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I opened my mouth to allow him in. Even the tongue movement was slow. I so didn't mind it, I really wanted this. He kissed my jaw line then kissed my neck right in my soft spot. He dropped himself onto me so he didn't have to hold himself up anymore. His hands lightly trailed my sides. I felt him begin to suck on my neck and i let out a tiny moan. He then kissed my chest. He sat up and pulled me up after him. I grabbed his face and kissed him as he put his hands behind my back and unhook my bra. The straps slid down my shoulders and he pulled it off. We laid back down on the bed and he licked my nipple, and played with the other one. I ran my fingers through his hair and scratched his head lightly with my nails. His small nibbles drove me insane and made me what him more. He trailed light kisses from my chest to my belly button. He licked my belly button ring and the ball got stuck in his lip ring. He chuckled then pulled it out. He led more kisses to my underwear. Then he pulled it off and tickled my thighs. I felt his tongue deeply caress me. I wasn't going to stop him. He licked my clit and played with it for a while just to drive me up a wall, which was kind of the case. He just drives me crazy with his damn tongue! He came up to me and kissed me gently. I wanted him badly! He took his pants off and then his boxers.

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