Part two

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"Welcome.....Little meister....."

*A small red demon appeared from behind the chair. He grinned at Maka evilly. He was plotting something, Maka could see it in his eyes* "You are that little demon that's a part of I correct??" *The demon laughed at her* "I'm glad you remember me" *A smirk grew on his face* "if your here, that means only one thing......your looking for Soul aren't you???" *Maka wanted to punch the demon but only clenched her fist* "Yes" *she replied firmly. The demon gave a huge grin. He was definitely up to something* "Well then, as you already know, Soul had been taken over by madness. He's quite easy to find....if you look in the right place....."

*the demon stood aside and revealed two doors at the end of the room* "One of these doors, leads to where Soul is right now. But be do careful ......Remember what that shimigami kid only have an hour, and you've already wasted 5mins." *His tone of voice had a tint of laughter in it. Despite her will to lash out at him. She had to keep her cool* "I know that!!" *she replied hastily. The demon grinned again* "Well then....times ticking"

*Maka walked towards the two doors. One coloured red. And one coloured black.* "Red looks more promising then black" *she muttered and put her hand on the handle of the red door. Maka held her breath and cracked the door open. She slowly opening the door wider. As soon as it was fully open she looked out and saw nothing but pitch black darkness...* "I guess this isn't the door...." *suddenly Maka heard a small chuckle from behind her* "To late to turn back now!!!"

*Maka was shoved into the black room and she began to fall. She screamed and started to panic. She was falling away from the door which was now unreachable. She could see the demon in doorway laughing as he watched her fall* "DAMM YOU!!! YOU STUPID DEMON!!!" *the demon howled with laughter* "Good luck!!" *Maka grinded her teeth. There was nothing she could do. The door was too far from her. She continued to fall.

Fall into darkness, and most likely.........

Fall into Madness........

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