Part Eleven

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Wes leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

"So..... Why haven't you told her about us??"

Soul looked away and shrugged. "Maka's got better stuff to worry about. She doesn't want to know about me or either of you guys. She doesn't need to either" Wes sighed and leaned back "sounds like a bad partner to me" Soul turned to his brother "what do you mean??" He questioned. "Well...." Wes shrugged. "It sounds like she doesn't want a thing to do with you. Does she know about our family history and your miraculous strange weapon blood??"

Soul didnt respond.

"Does she even know what you like, or what your favourite food is or anything like that??" Wes continued, Soul shrugged his shoulders.

"No..... She doesn't"

Wes smirked "Well there you go!! Partners are supposed to able to share almost anything and everything about each other. That girl hasn't even tried to at least get to know you, she's honestly useless if you ask me. And she's way out of you league" Soul took his hand out of his pockets and folded his arms. "What are you trying to say???"

Wes smirked a little.

"I say you ditch her... She isn't worth your time. You should find someone else, plus.... She ain't much to look at" Wes laughed. "I mean c'mon!!! You could of at least have picked an attractive partner??"

Wes's voice was so loud that Maka could hear every word he said clearly....

His words hurt, they were like stabs to her heart.

But Maka couldn't help but believe in Wes's words.

Soul should of just left her already,

She wasn't worthy of Soul's loyalty or his kindness.

Soul deserved more than what Maka gave him.

Soul starred at the ground with his hair covering his face as Wes continued to laugh.

"Shut up...."

Soul muttered, his husky voice had a sour tone to it. Wes smirked again, then opened his mouth and provoked Soul some more "And from what I heard..... She has anger issues?? How can you put up with a partner like that??" Wes chuckled. "I thought you were better than that Soul" Wes reached his hand out to Soul, to mess his hair again. Suddenly Soul grabbed Wes's hand before he could touch him. "Shut up....." Wes grinned. "What?? Aren't I rig-"


Soul yelled interrupting his older brother. "Woah, woah!!" Wes surrendered, raising both his arms. "I'm just telling the tru-" Soul grinded his teeth together and clenched his fist

"YOU DONT KNOW A DAMN THING ABOUT MAKA!!" Soul raised his voice startling both Wes and Maka.

"Maka is the coolest partner a cool guy like me could ever ask for. Sure she doesn't know a thing about me or about our family. But she knows me better than the rest of you do!!! Unlike you guys, MAKA IS THE ONLY ONE WHO SEES ME FOR ME!!! Not Soul Evans, Wes's little brother. But as Soul Eater, her partner who will become the coolest death scythe because of our teamwork."

Maka could feel tears sliding down her checks. All this time, she thought she pushed Soul away, when in fact she knew Soul's character and charm very well. She knew his idiotic side, his cool side, his angry side, and she knew how lazy and perverted he was.....

All these things she knew about Soul was more than enough things that made both of them a team. They knew each other's weakness and strengths, and that alone was what made them strong.....

Soul shoved his hands into his pockets. "So there!! You don't know Maka, like I do. She's more than what you say she is." Soul turned around and began to walk off. "And also Wes....." Soul grinned turning his head around. "Maka can be pretty darn cute at times..... So shut up about her being unattractive. Cause she's really cute when she smiles while reading." Soul turned his head back around and continued to walk off.

"I'm not coming back home, I'm too busy to deal with family affairs"

Wes smirked and shrugged his shoulder. "Suit yourself then..." Maka couldn't help but smile a little as tears continued to fall from her face. "Soul.... You really are the coolest guy in the world" she laughed slightly and wiped her face clean. She felt much better and was filled with confidence. "Obviously this was a memory of Soul's, so he's not in here....." She started to walk with a bit of a pace.

"Time to get out of here, and find Soul"

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