35 : unedited

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Than stepped into the ring with both Ray and Jesse. 

I kicked off my shoes and leaned back into the chair watching my mate be gorgeous as ever. The moon high in the sky eliminating his god like body. Marcia leaned a bit closer. "Doesn't it bother you that the girls are seeing him like this." She asked softly.

I shook my head with my eyes still on my head. "Not really. He's mine. They can look but can't touch." I whispered back. I have too admit it bothered me a little but he didn't pay any attention too them so i knew he was mine compleetly.

Besides i was the one he cuddles with at night. It might have been different if he kept playing the field but after our heart too heart earlier i had a feeling I shouldn't be self consius about that.

My side felt better then before. It was healing slowly but after a good meal to strengthen my wolf and the contact from my mate i was getting,  it already was starting too close up. I still had too be careful not to break the skin and i was extremely sore, but overall I felt better.

I watched Than intently as they rounded each other.  You might think two against one wasn't fair but this is Than were talking about. I bit my lip seeing Than's muscles flex under the moonlight. His moves were graceful and i was reminded again how his moves made me think off my father.

Both Jesse and Ray tried too land punches but they couldn't even come close. I noticed Than wasn't even giving his all. He evaded there attacks easily.  When Than struck Ray staggered back and he immediately swiveled on his heel too kick Jesse making him stager back as well.

Both Ray and Jesse had bruises forming in numerous places while Than wasn't even breaking a sweat. The crowd cheered and chanted on there Alpha. I leaned over too Angus. "Why is Than wrapped up and not them.?" I asked inclining my head too the fight.

"If the Alpha doesn't he would injure them rather badly. It's for there protection." He explained keeping his eyes on the fight. I shifted my gaze too the onlookers who all looked at there Alpha. They all had a proud look on there features, mixt with a little fear.

They respected there Alpha greatly, considering the awe shown on there faces. The females, both mated and unmated, held a sens off hunger and lust behind there gazes. I smirked a little too myself. That's right lady's. This piece off finger licking goodness is all mine. This is all your getting. A little look. I thought too myself.

I sipped my drink watching the fight repressing the urge too jump up and cheer on my mate. I wanted too but I had too keep myself rooted into my chair.

Then Than moved in for the finishing blow. He struck out at Ray giving him a firm blow too the side off his head and turned too give Jesse the same crackling blow before Ray even hit the ground. The cheers that echoed through the forest were ear bleeding loud as they both crumbled too the ground.

I couldn't contain my excitement as i jumped up with my hands in the air screaming. "Fuck yeah." Only a little too late I realised my mistake as I hissed in pain and clutched my side.

Marcia was on me in a flash helping me back into the chair. I laughed dryly through the pain in my side. "Crap." I hissed through clenched teeth, clutching my side feeling the stinging off a tare in my skin.

Than's eyes flicked too mine as i let out a shaky breath trying too surpress the pain. I just needed too take a couple off breath until the pain numbed but i wasn't given the chance. Than jumped over the ropes and lifted me from the chair. I wrapped one arm around his neck.

"Shouldn't you celebrate with your pack." I whispered thought clenched teeth. He brushed his nose again my neck with a small kiss as he carried me away from the pack towards the house. Too anyone looking, it would appear he was carrying me away too do what mates do. I even heard some elderly members saying. "Awe isn't that sweet."

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