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70 Thanatos pov.

After running 5 circles around the territory I felt myself somewhat sober and calm. What i feared came true and I made up my mind as ti i what too do about it. I made my way back too my Mate seeing her sleep peacefully in our bed. I frowned seeing she had placed a pillow on her stomach and resting both her hands on it. Her wrist seemed less bruised then I expected but she had a live time dealing with these injuries so I would guess she cooled them down and is now levitating them too keep the swelling down. It made me feel that much horrific.

If the pack saw the true extend off her bruises they would turn against me. We were supposed too love and cherish our Mate's. I'm more like him then I thought. I said too myself sitting on the chair with my head in my hands, the only noise the shallow breaths from my Mate. I sat there for i don't know how long, watching her breathing carefully.

Watching like a hawk was the way I would describe this situation. I needed too make sure she was alright.  If she breathed any differently I would see. The sun was starting too come up and she stirred in her sleep. From her heartbeat I could tell she was going too wake soon.

I slipped away from our bedroom and took a shower in one off the guestrooms. After washing up i made my way too the kitchen. I noticed the door too the gym open and heard some grunts. She was working on her morning routine, I thought. I started breakfast knowing she would want too eat after her work out.

Watching the time i started too frie the eggs just like she likes them. A whole yoke on toast. I was so focused at the yoke willing it too stay intact I jumped a little as she cleared her throat behind me. I turned with my head low. I couldn't look her in the eyes. I didn't deserve it. It wasn't a submissive gesture but a sense off shame.

She took hold off the plate and i flattened my eyes seeing she had on the very long sleeved bathrobe that barely showed her hands. One could only see past her knuckles. "After you eat and are ready i would like too show you something." I tolled her softly turning too my own toast. "Okey." She whispered barely audible. That fire I knew she had only a slight simmer now. I could kick myself for what I've done. I was going too make this right. I promise Momma. I'll make it right.

She ate her breakfast silently not a moan nor hum she liked it. After she walked too the coffee machine and made her coffee. One for her and one for me. She set it down before me. "I'll take a quick shower and get dressed. If that's okey with you?" She asked with her back too me. I hesitantly looked up. She was asking my permission but the way she did, didn't sit right. "Take your time. I'll wait." I tolled her, still not able too look at her.  All i saw she was wearing one off my shirts, from the day before.

I played with the edge off my cup linking the members who needed too do somethings for me. Or more precisely for Jacqueline.  They had questions but I couldn't explain right now. I heard get clear her throat and i looked up. It only took me a second too take in her appearance before I averted my eyes from her. She was wearing a black dress that reached her knees with little white dots scattered around and a black vest the was pulling down between her palm and fingers. "I'm ready." She whispered softly. Again I kicked myself in my head for making her like this.

I held the door for her as we stept out. My truck ready and already running. I helpt her into the truck but she declined my hand, I offer too get get in. I glanced back too the house and saw Marcia watching. With a curt nod and a scawle on her face she turned into the house , doing what i asked.

The drive was uncomfortably silent. She just watched the trees pas by. I was expecting her too ask where we would go but she was unusual quiet. After riding the hour drive i took her too the place I haven't visited sins that dreadfully day.

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