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Jacqueline pov.

This night was amazing. He was soo atentative. He was being the mate I always dreamed. Wel for the most part. He was trying.

Not just trying, he succeeded. We were relaxed and he listened too me empty my mind. It was good too just talk away my worry. It still was there but to just voice it made it less stuck in my head.

I wanted too know more about him but I could tell from the bond it wasn't time yet. He needs time in every part off this relationship. He just took quite a large step in trying too be the mate I needed right now so I wasn't going too push for more. Maybe later.

He rubbed my back comfortingly as we sat there watching the stars pass us by slowly. I had a feeling the night was coming to an end. "Can i make you a deal?" I asked thinking about tomorrow.

"A deal for what?" He asked sounding suspicious. "about tomorrow. I'm sure Alpha Ross would spin some lays. I want you too promise me too talk too me." I half asked half tolled him still gazing up at the stars I haven't seen for years. The second thing I saw when my Mate gave me the gift off sight back.

A soft growl rumbled in his chest as he didn't take lightly for me telling him what too do. I shifted so I could look at him, giving him a stern look. I was his Mate. Sometimes you have too tell each other something that isn't up for debate.

Too my surprise there was a small twitch in his lips as he was trying too hide a smile. It was barely noticeable but I'm sure I saw it. "Fine." He sighed.

Before I could get a closer look as too he was truly about too smile he cleared his throat. "We should head back." He stated pulling away from me and extended his hand too me which I took. He helped me off the truck by grabbing my waist. He was so strong it didn't even bother him too lift me up and put me back down.

I watched him clear away the blankets and he gracefully jumped off. He guided me too the door and helped me in the truck. I couldn't help the half goofy smile as i just had the best night off my live. I went on a date for the first time in my live. Too top it off I was with my Mate who made this night even better.

We rode back in silence and each did our own thing as we turned in for the night. I choose a full pyjama not wanting too ruin the night. He asked for time and I didn't want too provoke him. It would be a damper if he had too leave in fear off controlling himself.

After putting my hair in a messy braid I snuggled into bed hugging my pillow. I waited for Than too join me until I let myself fall asleep. The bed dipped slightly, letting me know he was behind me. "Little fox. How are your bruises?" He whispered softly as if I was asleep. He knew very well I was awake by the sound off my heartbeat. I rolled over facing him tucking my arm under my pillow. I could make out his dark brown eyes in the dimly lit room.

"They will be healed by tomorrow." I tolled him honestly not wanting too lay. The bruises were much lighter but wouldn't me healed until tomorrow. "Do they hurt?" He asked softly keeping his voice low in our little pillow talk. I shook my head a bit. "No. I'm still a little sore yes but I'm not in pain." I stated with a soft smile. I felt oddly proud he made me this sore.

He shifted and tentatively reached out his arm under my neck. I immediately lifted my head a bit and scooted closer letting my head rest on his shoulder. I draped my top arm over his chest letting my thumb trace his collarbone. "How about your scratches?" I asked wondering if he was already healed.

"Don't worry about me. There long gone." He whispered in an attempt too sooth me. I felt a pang off reversed jealousy. I wanted my marks too remain on him as long as I had his. I wanted the world too know he was mine. That I caused those marks. I closed my eyes brushing them away wanting only too feel happy about him letting me sleep in his arms.

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