89 High strung.

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It's been a week after we, or rather I tolled the council they had to wait until the end of the month for their peep show. In those exact words. I made it very clear for them my opinion about these backwards ways.

I was in my office with Marcia, Selena and Galiana making the planning for the ceremony.  Much like a wedding we had to plan everything. I wanted to get the official human part over with first. Meaning we had to start at the courthouse to actually get married. So the right to the lands where officially taken care off. I didn't want it to be to much like a day long event, so here I wasnt going to wear anything special. If I could do it the day before I would, but unfortunately they where booked. It was just going to be Than, Me and two witnesses of our choosing.

Then we headed back to have a normal day for the most part. However because of the blue moon we had to be at the alter by four.

I hated planning these things. Flowers, table linens, appointments with the makeup and hair people. I was glad I had Galiana. She helped me through all the motions. She knew quite allot sins she had the ceremony with het mate. Only because being the Luna and all it was pack wide. This ceremony was sacred to the pack. Only pack was allowed no other packs where going to be there.

Once done I headed up too cook dinner. Maybe Than would show this time. He was clearly avoiding me. I understand though since my mood was constantly underlying anger. You know how you can fibe anger but still function on a normal basis.

I was just sitting down across van the empty plate like I did every night, a heavy sigh leaving my body. Right then the door opened and Than walked in. His eyes scanning the room and almost walking towards me extra carefully. I rolled my eyes. "Just sit your ass down and eat." I hissed grabbing his plate and piling his food on it.

He sat down and we ate in silence. We didn't need a conversation to feel comfortable. It was just nice to have him here. It calmed me more then I realised as my problems flooded away from me.   After dinner I cleared up the plates and Than sat down in his lounge chair flicking on the news. I in turn made us some coffee after I finished loading the dishwasher. As I sat down next to him on the couch, putting the coffee's between us on the side table. I smile crept on my lips as I felt relaxation settle over me. The way how normal this felt made my mood ten times better. Numlesly I watched the new with him. But it didn't seem all to interesting. At the second coffee I grabbed some cookies with it and sat back down. As mundane as it al was i felt content. I grabbed my phone scrolling through internet liking pictures and so on. I reached for a cookie when suddenly I bumped into Than's hand who was doing the same. Our eyes met an a something that sounded  like a laugh and a giggle came out. His eyes smiled as wel. But before I could continue my action to get my cookie he grabbed my hand giving it a small tug.  I stood up and before I realised I pirouted around myself sitting back down in his lap. His hand still entwined with mine.

We stared at each other for I dont know how long. His free hand brushed away a stray hair. His eyes focused on mine. "Are you okey?" He asked ever so softly. I smiled at him and nodded. "Yeah. I am now. Thank you for this".
I responded.

He knew very well what he was doing, so he understood what I meant.

After I little while of staring and brushing each others cheeks I felt something beneath me. Not to mention the smell. The endorphins, I could almost taste them. I freed my hand from his and cupped his face with both hands. My lips barely brushed with his as my nose followed the line of his cheekbone. I breathed into his ear. "10 minuts" just before I stood up and left for the bedroom without looking back.

Within those 10 minutes am managed to change into something tight and brushed my hair up into a thigh pony tail. Just as I put on the bright red lipstick Than walked in. His eyes widened as I turned from the vanity mirror.

He wanted this. I could tell. Now I only needed to think of what to do with him.


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